
Work Experience Interview Tips!?

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Hi Guys! I have a work experience interview tomorrow and i was wondering if anyone would be able to give me some tips, so i can be prepared. I'm working as a retail sales assistant. Thanks!




  1. Hey, me too, I got a job interview at 10am, in retail.  Im just going to be myself and answer truthfully and if they don't like me, well it would be their loss

  2. If they ask you about yourself,say you have  good customer service experience, good communication you are a positive and motivated person because those are really important, they might ask you what make u a good sales person. Be friendly, always smile  good eye contact, try not to answer with a short answer, dress to impress .give a first good impression  . good luck  

  3. Just be enthusiastic  

  4. Brainstorm for examples of customer situations you've had to deal with.  For example, a time you went above and beyond for a customer;  a time you had to make a split-second decision to satisfy a customer;  a time you had to make an administrative decision when a manager was unavailable.

    A lot of interviewers will ask for an actual situation you were involved in so they can see how you are 'in action'.  So, if they're asking for a lot of situations that you were previously in, know that their motivation is this statement:

    "The best predictor for future performance is past behavior."

    As far as everything on the surface... make sure that you are dressed nicely, no bad breath, no gum, no body odor.  Be on time!!  Be happy and positive.  

    It's ok to be nervous.  Good luck!!  

  5. You have an interview on Labor Day Geez!

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