

by Guest57473  |  earlier

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I have been working at mcdonalds in birmingham for 3 weeks now we are suppose to get paid every 2 weeks on a thursday so will i get paid this week or next week please help.




  1. It depends, if you get paid every two weeks and they hold back for one or two weeks before paying. If they only hold back one week then you should be getting a check this week.

    If it's two weeks then I wouldn't look for one until the next week.

    Also, if they do hold only one week and you started a week after they had been paid;  your first check may only be for one week. Dang, cunfusing but it's true.

    Enjoy your first check either way because there will be more to come.

  2. Please talk to your manager about it.

    I worked with McDonalds before too.

  3. **If everyone else has been paid but you haven't I think you should speak to the person in charge of your pay and ask them.**

  4. take McDonalds to court....they shud have paid yooh!!

  5. Ask your colleagues which week(s) they get paid (1st and 3rd OR 2nd and 4th). You should get paid when everybody else does.

  6. hey i work at mcdonalds too =]

    well if i were you id just go in and see if its this week or next for me i get paid next week but chances are its not the same week cuz i get paid on friday
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