
Work and travel usa?

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I am an albanian student of civil engineering in albania.I have heard a lot from my friends of american universities abroad about the work and travel in usa program and i'm very intrested to participate on.but there is a problem.there isn't any contact point in albania.i want to know if is there a possibility of my participating in this program?




  1. you'll have a tough time finding what ur looking for because here in america, they dont really care much about the albainans. my uncle has gone to school in albania and ahs a degree for mechanical engineering. he graduated in the top of his class and now he is barely able to support his family. he works as a doorman in manhattan. even with all hs skills.

  2. Unfortunately, most of these programs are not operating in Albania because of the amount of visa fraud, the low return rates of Albanians who do get US visas, and the high numbers of visa refusals. These companies are in business to make money off the students.  if the visas are refused they have to refund; if the students don't return, the consuls don't issue visas to any of their customers the next year.  So they don't find it sensible (or profitable) to work there.
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