
Work at Florida Olive Garden?

by  |  earlier

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I just turned 16 and was wondering if I could get a job at Olive Garden as a hostess?

I know you have to be older to serve because of alcohol, but do they hire at 16?

Also, how much do you get paid, and do you get any sort of tips?





  1. Most places that serve alcohol will not even hire under 18 because they serve alcohol. I've waitressed in a few corporate places that wouldn't hire you. You wouldn't get tipped out to my knowledge. A friend of mine worked at OG and I believe they only tip out the bartenders.

    it wouldn't hurt to call them though. You would probably receive 6.79 an hour if they could hire you

  2. you have to 18 to even be able to get a interview there I live in lakeland florida..

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