
Work at home ads- Are these SCAMS?

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Okay so I have been looking for jobs online, and I keep running across tons of ads that claim you can make 6 figures working from home (on the internet doing... something who knows what), and they make it sound too good to be true. What the heck are these things? I read one and it read like it was trying to SELL me something, like those online product testimonials and whatnot... And then they asked me for the fee for a "at home information kit" or whatever, and I said s***w it... but I have to wonder, is this stuff for real? Any of it?




  1. a lot of home based business are scams i was also looking for a way to make money since i was 21y/o i'm 26 now and i have been working with 2 home based business for 2 years and i'm making a good income, visit this site and you will get free info on a real business that is not a scam, the company is well stablished, you don't have to buy anything to become a member, you only need to pay $15 a year for your domain and $39.95 a month for webhosting

  2. ill be honest, generally if what you're looking on the internet seems too good to be true, then it usually is, sure there are people that make hundreds of thousands of dollars per year at stay-at-home jobs, but that is because they have had an idea, like creating something to sell or offering services to other people. my suggestion is to go with a different job choice, but if really want to and only if you really want to then try out for that job.

  3. I've tried lots of different things to earn money from home. None of them were scams, but the majority of them didn't earn the kind of money I would have liked to be earning. Eventually, I found a home based business that didn't cost money to get started with. It's been the best thing for my family and I love what I'm doing now.

  4. I would be very careful about these adds remember if it seems too good to be true then it probably is. Anything that asks you for money forget it straight away.

  5. It doesn't matter if they are scams or not. I guarantee that if you join, you won't make a dime. Why? Because you and most people don't have what it takes to succeed in any business. On or offline.

    Asking a question like this proves this. Entrepreneurs don't come to Yahoo answers to find out if businesses are scams. They get involved and find out for themselves.

    I'm sorry for coming of so brash, but this is the truth.

    Is it possible to make six figures online... of course it is. The real question is, do you have what it takes?

    Are you willing to invest any money?

    I'm sure the answer is no.

    And don't say that you don't have the money to join, because most of the billionaires in the world today started out with nothing

  6. Don't fall for any of those ads. I have tried about seven or eight and have either lost money or didn't make enough to make it worth my while to keep up the job. Just keep looking and you'll find a good job somewhere.  

  7. Count on them all being scams.

  8. Yes they are for real but it will take a lot of time, effort and learning on your part on how to earn that much money.  It usually involves selling other people's products or called affiliate marketing.  Some people are really making money online doing this but it takes a lot of trial and error to be able to find the right formula.  They might tell you how to do it but they won't reveal the actual secrets.  You have to find out for yourself.  I've been there and done that.

  9. They are not unless they offer and pay you in advance to do the work.

    If they ask you to give something without discussing any payment then beware.


    Career Builders

  10. Typically they are trying to recruit money mules. You'll notice they often want you to "process transactions" or some such.  One estimate is that  cybercriminals need to recruit 10,000 to 20,000 people a year to help illegally transfer money out of victims' accounts.  Don't go there.

  11. A rule of thumb for you:  If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.   The first clue to a scam is if the program tells you that it will not require much work at all to get up to $1000/day in profit.  These are obviously not true, and if you are looking for a free ride to success, it is not going to happen.

    In saying this, there are resources that are 100% legitimate, and can build you a foundation for making money online.  These are NOT SCAMS, and they do not claim to get you rich overnight.  They in fact teach you the best techniques and practices for earning money online, and they are essentially building the foundation of your business for you.

    These programs are of the absolute best quality, and are very affordable.  If you are truly looking to start a business or take your online business to the next level, the following programs will work the best for you.

  12. u can login here its fre and very genune website..  u can earn here lot of money..To Open Free Account Click This Link-- ,

  13. Most of them are but there is one I know of that's not my friend works for them. You fill out the application and in about 3 to 4 weeks they get back to you. I think the only thing it really requires is a phone line that doesn't have 3 way calling or caller id for privacy reasons and you have to have a computer with internet explorer 7 or higher.

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