
Work colleagues asking what we do on the weekends.

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Is it just me or do you find it tiresome I feel like I have to write a report for every Monday to let them know what I did then hear of they're weekends. I usually don't mind it it's not exactly unusual but after awhile... What about the weekends where I don't do much usually I'm just happy not to be spending anymore with them. I like to keep what I do in my own free time to myself, do I have a point or am I just being a bit grumpy today?.




  1. just say i didn't get up to much what about yourself?

    or i had a bit of a boring one how was your weekend?

    that way you are deflecting the conversation back towards them.

    there is no need to go into great detail

  2. "So, what did you do at the weekend?"

    "I got on with my private life."

  3. - i chilled...

    -but wat did u really do

    -i chilled...

    -and besides that

    -i chilled

  4. Just make a habit of saying 'Bugger all' even when you did something really exciting. They'll stop asking eventually.

    Or, tell them you went badger baiting or seal clubbing or nail-bombing. See how long you can wind them up for.

    I once had a day off work and told colleagues I fell down a hole and was stuck there for hours. I just stayed in bed really.

  5. Tell them to mind their own business & they won't ask you again

  6. I get that all the time.  It's as if I feel I have had to have done something grand, when all I've done is sleep!

  7. i just say nothing. i can't tell them all i do on the weekends is lay in bed and smoke pot.

  8. Do you feel grumpy today?  I think its quite normal for people to ask what we got up to at the weekend.  I only work with 2 other people in my job so its quite often a topic of conversation, what we did, what we're doing next weekend etc.  If you don't want to talk about it just shrug and say "didn't get up to much at all this weekend" then leave it there or ask them about theirs!

  9. See, maybe it's just me but Ive never taken that question seriously.

    Kind of like how are you. It is just a casual ice breaker, a polite inter change.

    But really when I ask " how was your weekend" I don't want a 15 min response, including peoples names and places and the color place mats and how Uncle Bill had to much alcohol again.

    A simple " Mine was good " "How about yours" typically will do.

    Maybe I've been missing it all this time :-)

    Maybe people think I'm not very nice :-)

    But that's usually home it goes for me ! You are always going to get that odd person who will go on... That's when I grab my cell "excuse me, it''s on vibrate, I gotta take this" BYE !!!!

  10. The best way to avoid that conversation is just to give a short dull answer.

    "What did you do at the weekend?"

    "Oh not a lot."

    Those 4 works can be a totally successful conversation killer. Then if they ask you any more questions like "did you see..?" or "did you go to..?" then you can just say "no". 60 seconds later, the conversation will be over, yet you won't have appeared to be rude.

  11. i get fed up with it aswell, even if i have done a lot, i've got most of my friends from outside of work, thus i don't really care about them so why should they about me!

  12. Go to their houses and abuse them, really make yourself at home. Then they know what you did and you also keep them away from you. You might get neglected at work but the satisfaction will be rewarding.

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