
Work experience has taught me......?

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Work experience has taught me that regardless of how nice people or colleagues treat you at work, that relationship is nothing more than just business related. When you share personal information to them, do you think they care? They just want you to get the work done. They just want to maintain the relationship, so when they need assistance in something, they can get someone immediately. On the other hand, when things go wrong or work don't get completed, they will just pointing you, him or her. Also, people are coward, and they're afraid to confront others.




  1. Yes, I find it easyer to get along with coworkers if you just talk about general stuff, or form time to time... about work haha.

    It's best not to mix personal with buisness.

    Just keep it work related and you'll be ok

  2. Yep.  Why do you think they always say to keep your business and personal affairs separate.

    Everyone knows this already...glad you learned it.

  3. Sounds like you are learning . there is a difference between a work friendship and a real friendship.  Work is like a family , you get thrown together with people you may have nothing in common with except work .  Just watch your back , you'll be fine.

      And yes , there are a lot of cowards out there .. again ,watch your back.

  4. Sooooo....what's your question? I work in the HR Dept. so yes, I have seen and heard it all! You do need to be careful who you talk to when you do discuss something personal. There are way too many people out there that are crazy!

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