
Work for money or work for happiness? follow your dreams or be safe?

by  |  earlier

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so i know alot of people these days seem to be working to get more money, not to do something they love and have a passion for.

also, they're no longer following their dreams, they're just playing is safe.

i haven't gone to college yet, and i know alot of people i know have been talking about what they want to do, and alot of other people will say like "pshh, like you'd ever get a career in that." or "yeah, but you won't get much money. just do something where you'll be rich."

and that got me thinking what you thinks best, or what you think people should be doing, working to get money, or doing what they want as a career? and should we be following our dreams and trying to get what we want or playing it safe and just going after something we know we'll succeed and achieve in?

what are you doing, what did you do?




  1. I would say follow in what you are most passionate about. Sure, money is great, but you won't be doing a great job or be very productive if you're not excited about doing your job. I think when you can do what you love, you're fulling your dreams and have happiness, which money can't always buy.  

  2. I'll be going to college and taking up computer programming because its what I love to do, I don't exactly know how much money I'll make from it but.. that's not important.

    just.. Embrace your dreams.

  3. Depends. If your dream job is to be president some day then yes you should go for something a little more realistic but if you can mix and match a paying job with something you know you'll enjoy doing then that's great. All in all you should always remember that money isn't everything, waking up to go to a job you hate every day will make life seem like h**l, and life is too short. Some people think that money will bring them happiness, therefore they choose to pursue money rather than their dream job. Personally I would try to mix the two but in all honesty nobody can pick this for you. You're the one who has to make the decision and you're the one who has to live with it. Whatever will help you enjoy life go for it.  

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