
Work from home. Scam?

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I've been reading a lot about work from home. But I'm not sure if they're all scams or what. Does anyone know if these sites work?




  1. Most work at home jobs you see could be scams. Stay away from them if they ask for up front money and then be real mysterious with details. See: . This website has some legit work at home companies and job leads.

  2. Hi Sam. Go to this site. It will help with any questions you have. Good luck! :)

  3. Do your homework first before jumping into any at home jobs. There are lots of scams out there that sound legit and all they do is collect your upfront payment and you get nothing out of it. See: if you are interested to know some of these legit jobs that do not need any of the upfront payments.

  4. If they ask you to pay up front they are a scam.  Most are.  Be careful if you want to investigate it, google it.  

    Do not give any of them your bank information, credit card numbers, or social security number.

    I googled project pay day

  5. Most are.  Some aren't.  There are companies that hire reps (the customer service people that answer when you call their 800# are often working from home).  Great work if you can get it.  Beware of scammers, anyone that wants YOU to pay THEM to work is suspicious.  

  6. Click on the link below and see if this will work for you. Lots of legit and good work at home opportunities out there but also a ton of scams, so be careful. Good Luck.

  7. I disagree with some of the posters say on here.  There are a few work at home opportunities out there that are far from scams.  I know a lot of people who have home based businesses for many years and do incredibly well with, I also know people who have telecommuting jobs and make minimum waged earnings.

    There is a big difference between these two ways to work from home.  One is a job where you work for someone else and get paid an hourly wage, which is like I said, minimum wage. The other is having a business, in which as in all businesses home based or not, there are start up costs, annual license renewals etc.  But the income opportunity far exceeds these costs and renewal fees and a job.

    So to answer your question, Yes there are a lot of different work at home opportunities out there that are not scam and I do know ones that work.

  8. Work from home is a fantastic concept. But you have to be creative and make your own.

    I believe that everything else is a scam typical of the marketing world we are in. There is no such thing as a quick buck.

    Again, there are a lot of people with ingenuity who work from home.

  9. The work from home jobs that aren't scams actually require work on your part - and if you're in need of money soon then you're likely to be sorely disappointed in any of those as well. Most of the legit opportunities out there take time to build - so if someone makes an outrageous claim of income it probably isn't true ( and those that are true sure didn't make that kind of money when they first began ).


    Time & effort required - but do your own research on what is best for you, don't take the advice of myself and others as gospel from this type of forum.

    I have other ideas that may help - one of them is an online opportunity but another is one that will require a little effort to market yourself - try some data entry for local businesses, many of them don't have the time to do it in-house and will gladly pay someone else to do it. Professionals are a good place to start, lawyers, doctors, chiropractors, etc - they need their "in-house" folks doing other things rather than busy work.

    Hope it helps!

  10. I have been working from home for 4 1/2 years.

    It is great to be able to set my own hours and work days, but is still work. If you are serious, send me an email ..

    I can help you get started and give you any advice I can through email (for free obviously).

  11. You can try at this website

    It is a surveys website. It is free to register, they didnt charges any fees. They paid the payment  by check or paypal. You can drawout your money when you reach the minimum payout $10. You can see the questions at faqs or forum. But see the term and condition first before you register, make sure that the job is suitable for you. Hope can help you.

  12. MOST OF THEM ARE SCAMS! Anything to good to be true, is never too good at all.

    Always check with the Better Business Bureau first when dealing with the "online work at home people". If they have complaints, stay away from them. If they don't, call the bureau to see if they know anything about them.

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