
Work from home jobs... THAT REALLY WORK?

by Guest60452  |  earlier

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Okay so you always hear about how work at home jobs and them being a scam and everything like that. Does anyone know of a legitamate work at home job? The reason i need this job is because I work full time and I have a 2 year old daughter. One full time job is not enough to cover rent, car loan, phone, insurance, gas, food, and everything that goes a long with a two year old. Anyways I don't want to spend anymore time away from her than I already am, but I need some extra money. This would be a great opportunity for me if there is anything available. PLEASE let me know.




  1. Hi-

    I hear this one works great for moms.

    check it out.

  2. Hi, I have a few suggestions that may be a fit for you. All you need is 2 to 3 hours a day to make extra income at home, and look after your 2 year old daughter.

    Take a FREE tour, and see for yourself.

    God Bless,


  3. If you are an accomplished typist - word processor and have recently visited your local city college or university librarian, you can apply as a "certified" graduate typist, earning between $1.50 to $2.00 per page for a master or doctoral thesis. The librarian will provide you with a sample of the typing template (i.e., margin settings, font selection, page set up, etc.) in order to complete these projects. An average weekend income is about $300-$400 for two days work.

    Good luck!

  4. Hi, umm for the most part, i dont think they do unless you go to like a workopolis type web site. Im also looking for a ligit home job. I have a 1 yr old son and my mat leave is going to be over soon, and I dont want to have to go back to work. The only problem with the ones I've come across on the workopolis type of sites is that marketing or transcripting experience is a must have. the only other site i've come across that seems legit is and I'm not even sure about it, I dunno maybe its worth checking out for you, let me know what you think of it.

  5. Sale on E Bay? I ear they make good $$$$ I was thinking to do that myself.

  6. I work from home but may be buying my own shop soon as i own my own business & it makes money so yeah

    it is possible.

    good luck

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