Okay well the specific breed I'm talking about is the Quarter Horse. I'm sure just about everyone knows there are both Appendix, and Foundation Quarter Horse. However, there are also just plain Quarter Horses that fall inbetween.
I've noticed recently there is a great difference between the Working horse, and the Show horse. Most show Quarter Horses reach massive size by their 2nd year, while most working stock doesn't mature until past 5. Why is this? Are the bloodlines so different in Quarter Horses that, they could all together be considered different breed? I've seen so much variety from the Hancocks, to Impressive and inbetween. But when you get down to it, just what is the main difference between the show horse, and working stock?
I know a lot of people have told me show horses can't move very well because of how muscled they are, and after working with Reserve World Champions, I've found this to be somewhat true. Any opinions?