
Work in Peru...?

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I want to work in Arequipa, Peru (Arequipa is the city where all my Peruvian friends are). I don't know where to start... there are lots of jobs for Lima but not Arequipa. I will get a TEFL degree so will be able to teach English, I can be an Au Pair or waitress or anything..... ANYTHING!!! AND I SPEAK SPANISH TOO!!!

If anyone has any information, suggestions, contacts or anything, I would GREATLY appreciate it!!





  1. Well, if you speak Spanish...Here you are: Que edad tienes? Eres hombre o mujer? Tampoco no dice su nacionalidad. Estos datos som importantes para mejor idea de ayuda. Lo mejor es que preguntes a tus amigos peruanos; ellos estan al dia y...los diarios publican cientos y varios tipos de empleos. Porsupuesto que puedes ensenar Ingles tambien hay mucha oportunidad para esto. Clima de Arequipa es buena y su gente es amable. Las cosas no son tan caras. Suerte!

  2. Try looking at this yahoo group.

    It has a lot of teaching positions.

    Hope this works for you.

  3. There are schools in Arequipa were they teach english, like the Colegio Anglo Americano Prescott

    or the Colegio Internacional Peruano-Britanico

    Also there are Language Schools in Arequipa that you can find in this page:        

    I wouldn't recomend waitress, but there's a Shopping Mall with it's ancor store SAGA FALABELLA, a department store that sells everything, from home appliances to perfumes & clothing (like JC Penny's), try there and the Manager's name is Oswaldo Bustamante, he might want to add you to his staff because you speak english and there are many tourists shopping in arequipa.

  4. if u speak  spanish too, then,  pidele a tus amigos de arekipa  un poco de ayuda :),,  normalmente en los periodicos locales   salen  los avisos de empleos :)

    me imagino ke el diario el comercio, debe tener  una edicion para la ciudad de arekipa(eso espero))   ahi podras encontrar empleos tambien :)

    o en paginas de empleos via internet  tambien :)

    suerte :)
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