
Work is really depressing me..anybody else?

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I just moved office today at work and my new office is really depressing. There is no one to talk to, all the other people in my office are girls that I can't really connect with, we're all too different. They dont even talk to each other that much as well, we just pretty much sit there.

And the worst part is, because of the fact that it is too d**n boring, the person that meant the most to me (I lost him 5 months ago) is in my head again

I dont know what to do, I'm just tired of it




  1. Yeah that sucks.  I would try to get to know the girls.  Break the ice with a joke.  I work with some males and we get along.

    Just remember you are there to pay bills, not necessarily for socializing.  

    And if all else fails you can always get a new job sweetie.

    Sounds like you are bummed out about your friend.  The best thing to do for that is to talk it out.  

  2. Well I am sorry to hear about your lost. I do recommend for you to look for other opportunities. I mean if you really hate the place. Perhaps you may look in to home base opportunities. Here is an opportunity overview.

    What do you want out of life? There are as many different reasons to be in this business as there are Quixtar Independent Business Owners. A Quixtar business can help with those tuition bills. It can help reshape your work week. It can help you build a future for your family. It's your life and Quixtar North America, par of the Amway global business, can help you build your own business-the way you want it.

    Plus the IBO organization you may become involved in also provides training and motivation in the field.

    However, before you make a decision that could change your life, you need to be sure all your questions are answered.  

  3. It sounds like you're letting the Situation "overcome You". You CAN'T let that happen! Get a GRIP, & concentrate on whatever it TAKES- for you to "control" the way you feel... If you DON'T, then you run the risk of losing your Job- and then you're REALLY gonna have something to Worry about !!!  :0  

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