
Work out routines to prepare for the military.

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i'm 13, i've always wanted to join the military.

i'm going to start runing 10 miles a day, i will be using a cammle backpack for easy access water and what should i fill it with..?

bricks ? if so how many and how much pounds.?

i'm going to train and try to do my best.

i just need to know what i should start doing to get a great workout everyday.

also what i should be consuming daily.




  1. don't exert yourself too much, start slow and build up, that way you can have good stamina. eat healthy, drinks lots of water. you really have to build up muscle, upper,core,and lower. good luck.  

  2. First of all you are way young. Some of this can chang before you get in. What branch? That is way too extreme to run that far daily. I would start looking at meeting the physical test standards for that branch. Also part of basic is to build you up to passing it if you can not in the beginning. Hydration and diet is a big factor in physical fitness. Your age will determine how many push-ups,sit-ups you need to do, as well as run time. You are making a bigger deal than it needs to be. Run like 3 miles every other day and the other days do some muscle failure. Push-ups, sit-ups etc..You should run like a 8:00 mile pace. With the push-ups/sit-ups do pyramids from 15 and you will do great at the PT test. Yet again depends on the branch you are going to. This is geared towards te Army.The Corp. does pull-ups, and crunches. Good luck.

  3. plenty of sleep

  4. Have you treid this excerise video

    forgive thesill yasnwer...if it means anyting htis kids dad and two uncles are service men and thank for your futrue service  

  5. First off your still young so dont put to much pressure on your self. You dont need to run that long unless your prepping for a marathon. A camel pack is something useful to have but usually you should hydrate at least 24hrs prior to a heavy workout. You dont need to fill it with bricks thats just silly. But to answer your question it depends on which branch of service you are intrested in joining. For us (Marines) our PFT (physical fitness test) consists of a 3 mile run you have up to 30 minutes, 20 pull ups (men), 70 sec hang (women) and 100 crunches in 2 minutes.  They just recently included a CFT (combat fitness test) which is an O-course and different techniques that are beneficial for deployments liek firemans carry, low crawl...etc.  Additional excersice like hitting the gym, walking, sports we do also so dont focus to hard on killing yourself to do good. Best of luck!

  6. Live your life dude,

    start working out a couple months prior to boot camp. Trust me I, am only 17 and didn't start working out until I enlisted.

  7. it what branch you want to be in if you want be in the coast gaurd get use to swimming alot and running. If you want to be in the air force you wont have to work as much. If you want be in the army get use to about 8 miles a day. if you want to be in the navy do alot of sit ups pushups not really any pullups thow. if you want to be a navy seal get use to running 20 miles a day 15 pullups 95 situps a couple times a day .

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