
Work permits in Singapore. Do I need one if it's freelance only?

by Guest31709  |  earlier

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Well, I'm a foreigner, and have been offered a job as a fulltime freelancer. If it's only, so far, a temporary position, will the company fill for a work permit for me? Will it expire once the contract period is up? Thanks!




  1. Something does not sound right, about your job offer, Fulltime Freelancer, unless you happen to be a Journalist or Photographer.  In this case, yours would not be a Work permit, but an Employment pass.   You did not mention your Nationality or "Trade".  

    It is important you clarify your Visa status before arriving inSingapore, if you are coming in on a Social Visit Visa, then you are not supposed to be working.  If it is a company sponsored Visa, they would have to make arrangements for your Work Permit.

    Normally, Company Sponsored Visas are withdrawn, upon you leaving the company at the end of your employment.

    Something just does not sound right, about this job offer.   It would have helped, if you had put the company's name.  It seems that the company is absolving itself from giving you any benefits, by treating you as a "Full Time Freelancer".

    You might want to browse through the Singapore Immigration and Registration (SIR) Website for Visa and Work permit information.

    Hope everything works out.

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