
Work situation, need help?

by  |  earlier

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I am a fairly new RN on a busy hospital unit. There is an aide who pointed her finger at me in my face and yelled at me one day. I was in tears at the end of the shift, and told the mgt, and was ready to quit (it is very stressful as it is). The other non-nursing staff is very clique-y, too, and this creates some stress.

Since then, I have not had to work with this aide by coincidence for a few weeks, until last week. She is supposed to come and get report from me, but will walk by and say "your patients need any weights?" (gruffly) and that is it, and I dont ask her for any more help than that.

She has 'barked' a few things at me since, like "the charge is looking for you" whe I am in the middle of dealing with a vomiting pt, I will say ok, and she will shake her head when I dont heed her immediately. I have little to say to her, in fact my problem is that I cant deal with her, I am still feeling 'abused' from the finger pointing/yelling incident. This has gotten in the waqy of pt care, in the sense that I didnt communicate to her what I should. She 'barks' at me, minimally, during the shift (it is hostility, but also her 'street' manner in general), and then last night complained at the ned of the night to the charge that I didnt communicate to her about pt's.

I had been assured after the finger pointing episode that she was 'talked to' about it, god knows what was said...mgt thinks she is 'excellent', I think she does not know WHAT she is doing, save for physical transfers, ect of pts.

I wonder why I am so bruised by that epidoe of yelling, her gruff demeanor, and why I simply CANT deal with it, dont want to deal with it, and want to find a new job, like it isnt even worth it to deal with it. it seems like it is tolerated, or i somehow have to accept it and kiss this person's butt anyway. I have more important things to think about when i am at work. please help.




  1. I work at a hospital as an PCA. I have yet to step foot on the unit to actually work. I have only been in classes but when I walked on the unit to talk to my super..the looks could have killed. In any job you are gonna have those who have no cluth. You are probably gonna have to let it go. Learn to ignore her. If she is a poor aid then time will tell and she won't be around long. Sorry to hear..thank you for your services and try and relax.

  2. You're a new RN and she's an aide who has probably been there for a long time. She may be jealous of your title and wants you to know you have no authority over her. The fact that administration condones this attitude is because they consider her to be a good worker and will excuse her rude behavior. It should not be tolerated. It is unacceptable. She is disrespecting you and that too is wrong.

    Since it it obvious no one will help you in this situation I would suggest you look for a new place to work. RN's are in demand everywhere and you will not have any problem finding a new job. So, my angel of mercy, start looking and the best to you.

  3. if i were you i would pull her to the side and talk to  her to find out what her problem is. and you don't need to let her intimidate you like that to the point were you feel you need to look for another job. you are not there for her you are there for the patients.she is probably trying to test you being that you are new. but don't put up with her behavior anymore.

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