
Workers Comp Fraud... how long before investigated? ?

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I reported a long time friend - turned fraud - to the government for engaging in workers comp fraud. She has been out of work for almost a year and is working another job if not two or three. So she is collecting money from a few different places for sure. Does anyone know how long it takes (once reported) for the ball to start rolling on a possible investigation? She and I are roommates in an apartment together but I am moving out soon to get married. I just want to make sure that I'm out before she is contacted so that she doesn't try to do anything crazy.





  1. This does not mean she is committing fraud!  Do you know why she has workerman's comp.?  

    For example, you are working in a plant where you stand all the time.  There is an accident and you damange your foot where you are not allowed to stand no more than one hour.  Your place of work has not other job for you because it all requires standing for more than one hour.  So, you find a job(s) where all you do is sit.  

    So, where is the fraud?  

  2. There is really no time limit.  I've seen people who were allegedly injured for only a couple of weeks, already under investigation.  I'm a private investigator.  What happens is the insurance companies fraud/special investigative unit contracts with a private investigative firm to conduct surveillance on the claimant.  The claimant isn't told anything until after the surveillance is completely.  The claimant isn't told who turned them in, just in case more surveillance is needed at a later date. Chances are since your friend has been out for a year, she has already been under surveillance.  Now the surveillance may not of caught her doing anything. Since you have now reported her, hopefully to her former employer or her insurance company, they will contract with an investigator to verify if she's working.  

    Workers comp fraud is one of the biggest types of fraud in the country.  Many private investigative firms contract with the insurance companies to conduct surveillance.  Sometimes, depending on case loads, it can take several weeks to get the surveillance started.  Usually when there is a strong suspicion about a person working, the surveillance starts pretty quickly.  Any information you can supply to the insurance company that she's receiving compensation from, will be greatly appreciated.  Names, locations and times that she's working will be extremely helpful.  A current physical description or a photo of her would be wonderful for the surveillance investigator to have.  You'd be amazed how often there is no current physical description or photo of the claimant.  Being that you live with her, it would also be good to tell the insurance company what you look like and drive so the surveillance investigator won't confuse you for the claimant.  The surveillance investigator will need to follow your friend to where she's working and get video of her at the job she isn't suppose to be working at in order to prove the case.

    You did the right thing by turning her in.  Insurance fraud makes everyones insurance rates go up.  

  3. With friends like you, who needs enemies?

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