
Working Moms v. Stay At Home Moms-Who has it harder?

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Working Moms v. Stay At Home Moms-Who has it harder?




  1. I think it's equally hard to do either.  On the one hand, you don't have much of a social life outside of your kids and you're always on duty.  On the other, you have the guilt of leaving your kids and still having to work after a long day at the office.  I think it depends on personality and priorities as to what is better for each individual.

  2. I've done both, and I have to say it's equal.  We're all moms, and we all work to raise our children.  So let's please end the "Mommy Wars."

  3. That would depend on the family.  I'm pretty confident that if I worked, I'd still be the one who would be responsible for all of the housework, taking care of appointments and sick kids, dealing with 1 am feedings, and everything else I already do on top of my job.   I'm certain I have it better staying home than I would if I worked.  But, I'd also get to talk to other adults and possibly pee without interruption, so that would be nice, too.

  4. Hmmm... each has its own problems.

    I have been a full-time working mom for most of my motherhood, and I make it work.Mostly for financial reasons.

    I did spend 8 months at home and it was really hard!! I think I would love to work part time. That would be the best of both worlds!!

  5. That depends on what you mean...working moms..if they're single moms have it really tough because they have to do it all BUT stay at home moms cant even have 5 minutes to pee without SOMEONE banging on the door screaming or tryign to climb all ove rthem.. YOU can love someone and still wish to have 5 minutes so nobody should assume i dont love being a mother... i just find it annoying that daddy's get space and mommys have to keep it tidy

  6. i would think stay at home moms.

  7. All Moms have a hard job to do, and I don't see any difference at all.

  8. I've done both and to be honest I think they are equally a hard job. Each one has it's good and bad points. It can really depend on what type of personality you have and how you grew up.

  9. I've done both and found that being a stay at home Mom was more stressful. Once my older boys started school I went to work. It was my outlet,  I wasn't isolated from adult contact anymore.

  10. I have done both.  I say it is a tie depending on what type of job the mother has.  There are goods and bads on both sides.  I missed the adult conversations and being out in the world as a stay at home mom.  Now as a working mom it is a struggle to fit in enough quality time with the kids while trying to do all the errands and chores that have to be done.  For some women it is better for them to have a job out of the home so they can be refreshed and ready to give their kids the attention they need without getting frustrated.  I stayed home with my kids (for eight years) until the youngest went to school.  This was a good choice for me.

  11. The grass is always greener on the other side.

    They both have pros and cons, and I dont think you can really compare the 2 in a, which one is better manner

  12. Neither. They both require a 24/hr day. I'd imagine working moms would have a harder time maintaining a clean functional home...simply because they only have a few hours a day to do what an at home mom has all day to do. At the end of the day the work load its self is equal, just different tasks.

  13. That's completely dependent on your family situation. There's no way to generalise.

  14. OMG some days I'd pay to go to work rather than be paid!!!!! I'm obviously a stay at home mom..........but then again I'd hate every minute of it, I love getting to stay home with my kids I couldn't imagine having to leave them every morning!!!

  15. im a stay at home mum , 2 young children , worked befre i had them and now im on my own , i hate staying in its so boring and i dont get to see many people , id say being at home al day is much harder especially for single mums

  16. i have done both for a number of years. in my situation, it was easier to stay home. i had 2 children and my ex had custody of his 3 full time (no mother in the picture) he worked full time. so it wasn't easy. i think my main problem is if you work, you HAVE to be somewhere a certain time every day. that is what bothers me the most. i cannot come and go as i please, as when i had children, which i did. i could pack them up get in the car and go where ever i wanted . i didn't have the stress of missing out on anything, and i could keep a schedule that worked best for my family. i would usually get to sit down for the night (even if it was with the kids, and not alone) around 8pm to calm down and watch movies. NOW- i work 10-6 mon-fri and 8-12 on sat. so when i get home, it is chaos. dinner, housework, the kids all rushing to talk about their day at once, etc. i haven't even gotten to the grocery shoping or walmart, or doc. or dentist or dance,  or wrestling or.........nowadays i dont sit down for good until about 9:30, and my kids are older. november that will change again because i will have my third. but this time, he gets to come to work with me, so who knows what my choice will be then. either way-it is very busy job being a mom. i give 100% credit to both!

  17. Both are hard. I feel that working moms get a mental break from children.

  18. I think they both have it hard. they are both doing jobs all day. some people may say that stay at home moms have it harder because they have to cook and clean but working moms come home and do the same thing.

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