
Working Out Help?????

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15, 5'11, and weigh about i 150. I wanna start working out and want to buy a bench set. I already have a curling bar with sand weights measured in kilos. So if i workout on the bench, and curl. What other exercises can i do with what i have?




  1. if i was you, i wouldnt start doing any proper weightlifting especially at ur age as it can be damaging to ur body in the longterm. just eat healthy and do press-ups/push-ups and stomach crunches. start working out when ou get to about 19 years of age. trust me..

  2. Goto here:

    Go down to section 2 - change the option for equipment to "Barbell only" and you should be good to go. This will give you a full listing of ALOT of exercises you can do with a barbell only.

    Keep in mind, diet is 1/2 of getting bigger. If you are not going to diet properly, and work out - then don't bother doing either.

  3. it well cost to much money buy that?
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