
Working and living in america

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me and my partner are looking to move to america from the uk, can anyone please tell me how i go about getting a visa, what i need to have to be eligable to get into america and where i can find job. any info would help




  1. one way it to find work here and hope the company wants you enough to sponsor you. you then get w working visa, and i'd say your partner  gets an h4, which is a visa dependent on the principal applicant, you.

    with all the new laws now, i know they have a quota every year of how many working visas (h1b) they hand out. 65,00 i believe.

    if you don't find a company to sponsor you, you'll need to apply for a US tourist visa. if you've travelled abroad already, have property in the UK and can prove you just want to visit the US, then they might grant you a tourist visa. sometimes they given you single entry or sometimes they can give you a multiple indefinite meaning your tourist visa is good for 10 years. if granted the said visa, you must be here at a certain time  because of this quota rule. h1b's, also knows as working visas or working permits are filed on april 1 of every year. due to the increased amount of foreigners coming in the US, this 65,000 quota is filled in the first day of filing alone. you have to be here april 1 and must be legal to stay til october 1.

  2. You need a job offer before you can get a visa. You would need to have a good degree and experience in your field before you would even be considered. Even if you do find a company willing to sponsor you, visas are limited and you still may not be able to take up the job offer.

    If you have the qualifications then you should start looking as US companies websites for suitable work.

  3. Either you have to get a job there and your new company sponsors you, or you marry an American citizen or you invest a minimum of £100,000 in an American company.  It certainly isn't easy...

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