
Working and living in australia

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me and my partner are looking to move to australia from the uk, can anyone please tell me how i go about getting a visa, what i need to have to be eligable to get into america and where i can find job. any info would help




  1. best to check with the nearest Australian embassy for up to date requirements

  2. I want to move to the land down-under when im older lol .I love Australia, theres the best surfing, and its sunny all the time, theres cool guys with amazing voices lol. :))))))

  3. Your question doesn't make sense - read it again.  Are you asking about America or Australia?

  4. Your question is confusing as it's not clear whether you're asking about emigrating to Australia or America. I can only answer for Australia.

    Immigration into Australia is restricted to workers with skills, qualifications and experience in occupations in which workers are in short supply in Australia. Your job must be on the Skilled Occupations List (SOL) and/or the Migrant Occupations in Demand List (MODL). If your occupation is listed, you must also pass a points test and meet health and character requirements. Only one of you needs to have have a required occupation and be able to pass the points test for you both to be granted a visa (if your relationship is a genuine and long standing one).

    Check out our immigration website and the following specific pages for all information. (the SOL list of required occupations) (the MODL occupations most in demand) (skills recognition) (the points test) (character) (health)

    And make sure you register on the Skill Matching Database:

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