
Working as a bank teller is so stressfull but....?

by  |  earlier

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ive been working as a bank teller for about 2 months now. at 1st i thought it was gonna b a walk in the park. (from the customer view it does look really freaking easy) but i absolutely hate it you have to be on top of everything and it gets so stressful because manager after manager telling you this and that.the pay is pretty good for someone my age ( 18 ) but i wanted to do something a little more fun and still get payed an okay amount. but for someone with a HS degree the bank just seems as high as it gets.




  1. You'll get the hang of it and it'll get better. It's actually a pretty decent job to have and if you stick at it you'll go up the ranks.

  2. It will get easier.

  3. Honestly dude, you should consider yourself lucky you have such a sweet setup. You don't have to do any physical labor and your not working at mcdonalds. Wendys was my first job and now I work at a warehouse doing physical labor all day long. Enjoy what you have now, a bank teller is a great job for your age.

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