
Working as a cashier at "Safeway"?

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I've been working as Safeway for about 3 weeks now and i really like this job.

Because customers are nice and supportive when i do mistake they'd say;its ok...etc..

But sometimes i get some rudely speaking customers like for example; last week i was working till 10 pm at night so a lady came on my tile and she was telling me that some cans has fallen on her face and she was all red... So then i asked her if she was alright,... and her response was really rude, she kept on repeating the same thing loudly and other cashier was kinda looking at me...

Then i called the manager and told him that this lady was talking rudely to me as if i have thrown the cans on her face...

I have never had customers like her before.... Then the matter was pressed...

Sometimes i feel like its not really a good place to work but in the other hand i find it really good because i get the opportunity to help other people...

I really hate bad customers who talk rudely...




  1. yea, ppl annoy me too, but its so much fun to be an *** and smile and say yes ma'am no sir to those ppl, makes their blood really boil. lol let me jsut say that i hated workign at safeway, long hours.. boring, customers are all democrats, so i got in trouble for debating at the register, lol and it was cold in there.. and i had to wear a girls shirt... they ran out of men's and girls shirts button backwards, so i was always late outta the lounge because it took forever to button

  2. I'm sorry this happened to you but unfortunately there are some angry people in this world looking for someone to take there problems out on. I also work with the public and they are sometimes rude, loud and use offensive language.

    In the future, if someone says they have been injured you should call the manager immediately and let he or she handle the situation. Always apologize when a customer is upset (even though it isn't your fault). This will sometimes calm the situation a little. You can try something like..."I'm so sorry, are you okay? Let me get my manager right away."  Don't let someone else's bad day ruin your day. Remember not to take it personally.  I hope this helps.

  3. I don't work at Safeway, but It doesn't take much to guess that the not-so-friendly people would come out at night. If you don't like that, I would suggest that you try and work out a different schedule, and see if they have any openings for a normal hours day job.

    That is of course, if that doesn't conflict with whatever else you do.

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