
Working at Dairy Queen???

by  |  earlier

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OK so im 13 and almost 14 i want to get a job at DQ my bday is in August but i want to start working like in July will they accept my if my bday is one month away from being 14 or should i apply in August to make sure that these possibilities like not hiring me cuz im 13 wont occur??? I REALLY NEED a job like im DESPERATE! and if i cant work there than any other ideas of what i could do?? and dont say babysitting cuz im just sick of iT!!! please help me out thanks!!




  1. I think the legal age is 15, not 14. Sorry! Try tutoring, babysitting, or petsitting.

  2. Aww, thanks for ur answer btw. You seem lovely.

    They might, no harm in trying,

    If not, I'd start by maybe baby sitting? or you could check local shops, some do accept younger people.

    Then when you're 14 you can try DQ.

    good luck


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