
Working at Hooters? TX? Black girl?

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I just moved to Houston recently and Im lookin for a job. I have an interview at a fitness club Thurs. I was thinkin about workin at Hooters if I don't get. I have a friend who works there where I'm from and she likes it cause she says has fun and makes good money. I have another friend that I told about what I thought and they said, "Hooters in TX for a black girl? I don't know cause it's TX." What do you think? I don't have a chance cause Hooters in TX won't want any black girls or what?




  1. A beautiful women is a beautiful women! The color of skin should not least not in my mind ;-)  IF they do not hire black women, then would they not be pushing away a large section of potencial customers?

  2. if yooo got bigg tittttieessss

  3. if they dont want black girls then they are rasist retards who dont deserve you. try finding jobs that look fun anf determin them on pay. you need money for food gas ect.

  4. If you're hot, you're hot. If you're hot w/ big jugs any hooters will take you. Doesn't matter if you're black, white, blue or orange.

  5. Your first mistake is thinking white, or other races, don't like black hooters.  You are kidding yourself! Just because they won't admit it, don't be fooled.  They may even look at you crazy, but they will look all the same.....Go get em!

  6. I can't see why Hooters wouldn't hire a black girl. They'd have a great chance of picking up a discrimination lawsuit if they didn't do it because of the color of your skin!

    Perhaps someone had a bad experience... but don't let that stop YOU!

    Texas has more trouble with Mexicans than blacks, and I think people are putting stereotypes in place for this anyway...

    You go for it girl!!!

  7. depends. they might be racist.  

  8. I live in Texas. Their are black girls in hooters. Just because Texas is in the south doesnt mean its racist. You should go for it. It is the 21st century, if you anywhere wont hire you bc you are black then sue them like crazy!

  9. Im white and I like black or white or should ( now be open.....)

    go to a topless bar .....Houston is big on them........"no  now wait".....there are students of college there, moms, normal people.....some freaks but girl let me assure you will BANK......If you are not STUPID ....what I mean is treat it like a business while having fun..not drinking doing drugs blah blah.......have a good attitude with the other girls and start saving every penny....I know so many and they have houses cars getting college degrees( smart)....and twice a year travel to Europe. But most girls say 'oh my god ' how trashy blah blah...they either do not have the body or the energy to create one, and are jealous.  Just scared of rejection!!!

    One girl I know went to try out and she was not very pretty or have a good bod, another was awesome and tried 3 times and finally made it!!!! I am from Dallas and if you go to visit Dallas go to The Lodge....One of the best.....Dallas and Houston are the best money-making topless towns.........Go get rich dont have to tell anyone!!

  10. they don't care what color you are...just as long as you have a nice rack.

  11. they cant deny you just for being black..i suggest you go get that job..i wanna work there too

  12. hahahah!


    u sound like a ho.

  13. Its your cup size, not your color that matters at hooters.

    I'm assuming your at least 18?  How bout a pic?

  14. h**l yes, Especially in Texas! Texas has a lot of black people and really isn't bigoted. So if you're pretty enough I;m sure you'll get the job.

    Now if we were talking Black Girl in Hooters in South Carolina or Indiana. That's a whole new matter.

  15. of course they'll hire you.

  16. it doesnt matter what race or color u are .

    just make sure u got some nice melons ;)

  17. ive seen plenty of black girls at hooters :)

  18. No gurl. You go for it! But I know that most hooters's dont allow girls with visable tatoos or peircings. They are very strict.No absurd nail colors. Just plain and s**y.... Goood luck

  19. hooters will probably take anyone hot


  21. if your attractive

  22. The Owl is black

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