
Working at McDonald's?

by Guest44818  |  earlier

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My girlfriend has a two year old son, with a Dad not to be found. She got a job at McDonald's. I don't understand why people would make fun of her. It's job security, McDonald's isn't going out of business.




  1. because people are a bunch of *** holes thats why

  2. good 4 her at lest she has a job

  3. I think it's commendable that she even has a job instead of letting her life go to waste. She could end up being a manger or even a CEO one day, who knows.

    But if it's a temporary thing, I would suggest taking a few college courses and getting a degree and doing something she really enjoys.

  4. People should not be making fun of her.  Life is not always easy.  I give her a great deal of respect for being mature and unselfish enough to put  her son's needs first regardless of what others may think.  Good luck to her.

  5. Theres nothing wrong with that...shes supporting her kid without stripping

  6. I admire your gf  for working. Shows she takes the

    initiative and doesnt want Hand outs.

    If she is looking to be promoted at Mcdonalds...then

    she should stick it out.

    Sadly, if she is looking to make big money, she will NOT>

    Mcdonalds never guarantees there people full time.

    Unless they   are managemetn.

  7. try to help her out and try not watching it happen just do somting

  8. its honest work! good 4 her.

  9. Good for her at least she is trying to better herself and not live off the system.

  10. It is a job, yes, and there is no shame in it, but it would not provide much security and welfare.  Long-term, your friend has an uphill battle.  Hopefully, she is working on her skills to obtain a higher paying job.

  11. dude people just need to get over themselves! ugh! McDonald's has great opportunity!!! tell ur friend to ignore stupid people! =)

  12. It's because Mcdonalds is supposed to be low class for some reason but i dont really understand. I have friends that work at Mcdonalds, get good pay and are still made fun of for some reason.

  13. People just want to feel better about themselves. It's pathetic but true...

    Basically, the reason is because there are higher paying jobs out there and people KNOW her salary range...yes, some people that make more money feel better about themselves because money in turn buys you the great luxuries life has to offer.

    It's good she is working and not living off the system, so people really shouldn't be making fun of her, at least she is trying.

  14. I think people should just shut their mouths. Its good to hear that some people out there are working to help their families, whether their a single-parent, divorced and so on. I know I'd rather be working then having my life on welfare and a visit from the repoman.

    Its good to hear that you support her too, mcdonalds is a good place to work for not only money but friendship, service and more ♥

  15. Cos McDonalds gives a bad reputation for people that work there. It's kinda loserish.

  16. i work at McDonald's in Ireland now for over 2 and a half years and i love it.

    my dad says it is a great job security wise because even though the economy is crashing, and people are losing thier jobs, they still need to eat. so im pretty safe working with food.

    i used to be made fun of alot when i first started, until the weekends came and i was the only one with money, and not one of my friends had any, so i was hangin out with my older friends who had jobs too and got a little cooler haha

    then i otivated them to get jobs, when i started being promoted.

    when i met my boyfriend i was a little embarased because he is a paramedic and im just a fast food worker, but he assured me its cool, because i just finished school and now want to train to be a cop. :) so im not ashamed! im only 18!

    McDonald's s a great job i think, and u gain a whole lot from working here...not only friends but people skills, the world of business and how to run one, smarts and health and safety.

    so its not a job to laugh at.
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