
Working at Mcdonalds...have a question...?

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Hi, I'm 18 and I just started training for crew position in McD. Is there a way I can familiarize myself with the menu? Coz as of now, I'm being supervised while taking orders at the drive through. I do not understand the abbreviations on the cashier computer thingy......Is there a site online were I can learn about the McDonald menu?(other than their website?) Thanks.=)




  1. mcfood

  2. get another job!!!

  3. Bring a menu home and study....and ask questions till you get the abbreviations memorized.

    Good luck!

  4. Patience and persistence will carry through the learning phase.  You must be smart if you dont eat McDonalds food very often.  I only buy the ice cream cones and am amazed at the mutli-tasking of the drive thru workers at MCD as well as at Wendys.  Please dont start eating the food at the store!  It really is not healthy food.  Maybe you could flash back to your school classes and duplicate the memory techniques you used in some of the classes.  You will be fine.

  5. Better idea. quit McD and get a job at Starbucks. You get tips, stock, free coffee, tuition reimbursment, full health benefits at only 20hrs a week.

    I use to work there.

    If not create a cheat sheet to take with you and hang on to it. Remember if one little thing on the menu changes, the whole thing might get re-done

  6. Try making up a song or something to help you remember the items. (It helps me with my locker comb.)   ;D

  7. well they give the smart people the drive thru position.  dont worry, youll catch on.  frustrating when its busy and you just cant find the d**n button.

  8. Make your own flash cards.  That's the best way to study anything, in my humble opinion.

  9. they should have some kind of sheet for you to memorize. werid. i know starbucks has those sheets with all the codes for the cups


  10. it actually isnt that hard once you learn it the abrviations are just like the words common sence really but its only complicated in the begging youll be alright

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