
Working at Target as a cashier...?

by Guest64966  |  earlier

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I'm 16, and I was wondering if there is a good chance that I will be hired as a cashier at Target. I would also like to know any tips you have for the interview and job itself. I just recently filled out an application - wish me luck!




  1. Questions that you might be asked:

    Flexibility---are you able to work nights and weekends?

    Why do you want to work here?  

    --Do NOT state that you just "want a job" even if it's the case.  Instead, look at what brings YOU to the store and how that relates to the customers.  Bonus points if you state that you want to work for a company that works together as a team.

    What do you think the number one priority is when working with customers?

    --Focusing and providing to the needs of the customer in a positive manner.  For example: greeting them with a smile, ringing up their orders quickly and efficiently, asking them if they need assistance with large items, etc.

    Do you have any cashiering related experience?  

    --if no, then be honest and state so.

    Do you have any computer related skills?

    Tips for the interview:

    Make sure that you are appropiately dressed.  My thought is to take a look at what the employees wear and go one step above.  Target employees usually wear tennis shoes, khaki pants, and a red polo shirt.  So, I would go for wearing a pair of dress shoes, black or khaki colored pants (NO jeans!), and a nice top in a solid color.  It's okay to wear some make up, but go SUPER easy on the perfume if you put any on.

    Arrive about 15 minutes before your interview begins.  This will allow time for you to gather yourself together, and for the customer service employees to contact your interviewer.

    Give a sincere smile and a firm handshake as you greet your interviewer.  Often times, hiring managers for these stores determine if you're hiring quality within the first few minutes (if that), so make a good impression from the get-go.  

    Be prepared to take a "personality test," which is usually the "fill in teh bubble" variety.  So, you'll want to keep a pen and pencil with you, just in case.  

    Come with a list of questions that you would like to ask at the interview.  Two possible questions to ask are: "What are some positive things you've noticed with this store over the past few months?"  "What are some improvements do you want to see? How do you engage your employees with making the improvements happen?"

    Good luck!

  2. I guess, cashiers should be a people's person.  There's nothing worse then getting a grumpy worker who doesn't want to be there or is rude to you, I never go back to those places!  Be happy and confident in the interview, be honest aswell, most people can tell when someone is lying!

  3. I had an interview with Target a few months ago.  They want to know if your flexible.

    They also ask about how you work as a team member.

    I didn't get the job, but as they say one door closes another opens.

    Best of Luck

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