
Working for McDonalds??

by  |  earlier

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I am currently working at McDonalds (in Australia) - and i am aware that all crew recieve half price off of the food goods, but does this apply to all McDonald stores? Or just the one you work at?





  1. I work at McDonald's myself, and I'm also a crew person. New crew people at the store I work at get half price meals for the first six months that they work there, but after six months, they recieve one free meal a day.

    I hope this helps!

  2. I believe it's just the one you work at. hope that was helpful!

  3. At  my store we get one free meal and discounts up to 15 dollars everyday. But this only applies to the store i work at- however  just under a year ago I coiuld have got discounts at all the mcdonalds in my area- so  urs may not have changed the policy yet.

  4. I'm pretty sure this applies everywhere.

    The Mcdonalds here in US has senior discounts that I think the employees also take advantage of (same discount)

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