
Working for my grandma?

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Ok well I work for my grandma. She says since she is my grandma I shouldnt get payed. Well how do I get cash out of her? Please help im going to the 9th grade I started dating a month ago and im running out of cash..Also how can I make cash other ways im only 14.




  1. Do some yard work for people

  2. At 14 you can : paper route,kennel help,place flyer's,or mow yards/shovel snow.

    I have worked for my family as an adult and couldn't get paid, so good luck.It seems to almost be like a duty to work for free.

    It might be easier to let her know your looking for a job that PAYs and see if she's willing to shell out some cash to keep you.

  3. Tell her you won't work for her unless you get something out of it.

  4. You could write out a list of thing you will do for free and the things you want to get payed for along with the price. . Tell her you are trying to set up a business and ask if she will help Also look at lawn mowing , paper rounds or delivering pamphlets, car washing and cleaning

    Good luck

  5. Mow other peoples lawn, paperboy, do peoples homework.

  6. As a chore for her take back any bottles she has (if you live in a state where you can get money back for returning those) If not, try to mow lawns for neighbors, or rake their leaves. Save all your coins because those will add up. Maybe you can babysit for some cash? If none of these work then dump whoever your dating because life isn't supposed to be expensive at age 14.

  7. Unless you also live with your grandma, she is mistaken. Explain to your grandma that you are getting older and are in need of finances of your own. Ask your moms permission to apply at the local McDonald's who can hire you at 14 with a workers permit. Then tell grandma that she can either pay you or hire someone else when you go to look for work elsewhere.

  8. you can hmmmmmmmm maybe you can like try to go to work with your dad once in a while cuz thats wut my big bro does or you can do a lemonade stand:P or mybe you can beg your parents for some extra cash thats wut i do :P or maybe just be creative good luck :)

  9. Work for your neighbors. Help out a little. Sell stuff. Have a garage Sale.

  10. Shame on you if you charge your Grandmother, there are ways you could make money even though I think you should just be a kid  you can mow peoples lawns, walk their dogs, wash their cars etc...  

  11. work and family should never mix. if she had to hire someone else she would have to pay so she should pay you even if it is a smaller amount otherwise stop working for her. nothing is free in life.

  12. What the h**l- you should quit.

    Um.. allowance?

  13. Tell her that you have another job lined up (one that pays) and that you can't help her now, but maybe on the weekend since you are trying to earn some money right now.  If she doesn't get the message and volunteer to pay you - then she'll just have to wait a few days for you to help her.

  14. yes

  15. Its good for you to work for her..and NOT get paid... you should get used to doing things for family not for money... shes your grandmother.. you shouldnt take her money.  

  16. She is right BUT maybe you could say to her exactly what you said to us.  Only like this............

    "Grandma do you know of anything I can do to earn a little extra cash.  I would love to earn some money but I need some help figuring it out."

    She will probably give you some ideas but hopefully she will just hand you some cash.  :)  If she struggles financially don't be takin all her money you little brat. hehe jk

    Good Luck

  17. Your Grandma doesn't have to pay you, just as you do not have to work for your Grandma. If she doesn't want to pay you, and you want to be paid, simply refuse to work for her. .

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