
Working for petsmart?

by Guest45219  |  earlier

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what is it like working for petsmart i have 8 years experince in retail working in a $750,000 a week grocery store i was considering applying for a management position i dont have a degree but i have been ordering and running my dept for years while my dept manger is out or on vaction whats the pay range for managers and what manager postions are available at petsmart and how do you like working there and what kind of hours do they work




  1. former eemployee here!

    they are a very very shady company. they pull all these little tricks to try to seem that they stay within the labour laws, but they clearly dont. look up employee lawsuits against petsmart. there are a ton of class action suits for the shady stuff that they do. they make their managers work insane amount of hours, which by the way, you dont really get paid for. they hire the stupidest of stupid people to work for them. all of the managers absolutly hate working there. the turnaroud is rediculous. corporate doesnt care about you. they allways throw you under the bus to please the customers.

    i could go on and on all day, but i think ive made my point.

    shady shady company.

    dont work for them.

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