
Working full time, and got to go in hospital?

by  |  earlier

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iv work the railway for 8 years ,full time 40 + hours aweek , and i live in a private rented flat i went to my doctors and he said ill need to have a back operation, i havent got any money saved up and im worrying how im going to pay all the bills when i go in hospital , its gonna take 2 -3 months for me to get back to full health, does anyone know what there is i can do because im really worrying im going to losse my flat and and be in dept with all my other bills such as Sky & BT etc.. thanks Gaz




  1. You need to get on the phone and ring everyone that you have a contract with BT, Gas Electric housing and inform them of your situation.

    Ring your local social security/benefits office and inform them of your situation and ask your doctor to put you in contact with your welfare officer as they will help you with information regarding benefits if you have no other income such as for your rent.

    They will advise you on what your options are. But do it before you go into hospital.

    Best of luck with a speedy recovery.

  2. Talk to the CAB as I'm sure they will know more than we do! I would think you would be entitled to sick pay benefit (SSP?) but I dont know how much that is. Also you might get housing benefit/ council tax benefit to help you for a few months.

  3. Don't worry, your job will be kept open for you and you will get sick pay and benefits to help you until you're fit enough to work again. There are laws in place to protect you. If you go and talk to the Citizens Advice Bureau they will put your mind at rest. Please go and don't worry.

  4. Your 'employer' wont pay SSP as your are an agency worker. You need to make a claim for Incapacity Benefit. Do this via your local Jobcentre Plus Office. You should also claim Housing and Council tax benefit for help with your housing costs while you are off sick from your local council.

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