
Working horses more than once a day?

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I am in the process of training a three year old. I would like to get as much done with her as possible before winter, because I cannot ride with snow on the ground. Is there any problem with training her more than once a day?




  1. I think that short workouts a couple to a few times a day would be far more beneficial than one long workout in a day. That is just my opinion from my personal experience with horses. I love to teach new things, but I don't like to overload their minds all at once. I will work on one thing for 20 minutes and then quit on a good note (you always want to leave off on a good note). And then I go back later and try again to see how much he retained. People are the same way; it is much easier to study something for 20 minutes, take a break, and return to it rather than to study for 3 hours. Your brain just can't retain/focus for that long-- why should we expect our horses to be any different?

  2. Not really, meaning I have a 3 year old and he's worked once a day 5 or 6 days of the week. I work him at odd hours of the day to mix up his training but when he used to be worked twice a day, the earlier session was more intense and the second session of riding it'd be light. Just make sure that your horse gets a bit more food than before.

  3. I wouldn't normally say there's anything wrong with working a horse more than once a day - but for a baby, it's too much.  Ideally she should have another year in the field to act like a horse; at her age, she'll be too immature emotionally and physically to deal with work.

    For the first six months of work, a horse should not be ridden for long, and certainly not more than once a day.  She's just too young... have patience!

  4. it would be better for her in the long run

  5. Depending on what you're doing there shouldn't be any problem working her more than once a day.  If she is just getting started you probably won't tax her system too badly, just be sure to take any precautions as far as wrapping her legs using bell boots if she needs them.  Just make sure to give her a few hours rest in between workouts.  I wouldn't go more than a couple hours a day total for riding though.  You can still work her during the winter, but you may just have to tweak her ground manners in the barn.  

  6. In my youth, I saddled up my horses and although most of the time worked them for an hour or so at a time, they stayed saddled all day long.  None of them turned out badly or worse for the wear.

  7. For a 3 year old working more then 1 times a day can make her annoyed with working and may start to get mad and be more hard to handle. It also depends on how much you are doing and going to do.

    I would ride her in the morning or when ever you are going to start. And then when you are ready to start after a while then do a light ride. Such as only walk and trot. You can also do a little canter. Lunge like a couple times a week too will help. Try to do something in the winter. Cause she will forget and will have gotten weaker in the spring. Make a circle in the snow and lunge her a little. You don't have to do much in the winter. Just do something.

    So, i say there is not that big of problem with riding her 2 times a day as long as it is not to much work for a 3 year old.

    Hope i helped!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. yeahh its a good idea to train more than once a day but remember if she doesnt learn soemthing or does somthing wrong dont persist more than 3 times :) take it easy on her as shes only a baby. and she myt be a bit fatigued the second time u ride her in the day but it'll be good for her keeps her fit and occupied!!

    good on u for riding her twice :)

    good luck x  

  9. 30 to 45 min. per day if you know how to train is plenty. Do your ground work and if the horse is smart 30 days will get him/her ready.

  10. no problem, so long as she isn't horrifically unfit, and you give her a break in between.

    my TB mare was very unfit and had almost no muscle when i got her but gradually we began working her more and some days she got worked more than once (i.e. lunged in the morning and schooled in the evening)

    just make sure you're feeding her accordingly, and you don't completely stop working her in the winter (if you do have to turn her away from work, make sure you ease her out of exercise instead of just stopping suddenly one day)    hope this helped (: good luck x

  11. As long as you don't work her terribly hard both times, I think it would be fine.

    The Olympic riders actually work their horses twice a day.  Some ride twice, others ride once and put the horse on a treadmill once for 20-25 minutes because they think that a horse can only focus for so long in a day and think that riding it again might actually be detrimental to their progress mentally.  I think if you give them a chance to "soak" between training sessions, your horse should be fine with 2 sessions/day.

  12. No.

    We work our horses all day most days, and they are fine.

    You may want to bathe her afterwards, though, because it seems to make ours less tense. It also builds a better relationship between horse and rider.

    It might take a while for her to get used to, but it will make a difference.

  13. it depends on how hard your working her.  why don't you try riding once a day and just doing ground work with her for another part of they day?  you'll never go wrong spending time with her but don't make her bitter towards work, remember she  has to be a horse too and play in the field!

    good luck

  14. Absolutly not a problem. M 2yr olds get worked three times a day for about an hour. As long as they have water, and your feeding them thats fine.

    Good luck!

  15. i dont think so.

    infact it  might be better training if u do.

    because tht way she can learn that just because she is but away, doesnt mean shes done. That way she wont be crabby if u DO ever need to ride her again after one days hard work.  

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