
Working in Britain with Jobs that provide accomidation?

by  |  earlier

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I want to work anywhere in Britain, anywhere realy, apart from where i Live now in Wales, I was wondering if any body knew where I could look for jobs where the employer provides accomidation, any jobs realy. thanks




  1. Butlins.

  2. I used to work at a hotel in suffolk where they had two staff houses.  accomodation and meal allowances were including in the wages.  try some stately hotels, they tend to hire abroad but aren't adverse to taking on staff from this country either.

    good luck.

  3. There are a lot of soft fruit farms here in Angus up on the east coast of Scotland. Currently most employees are from Europe and are provided with accomodation.

  4. if you find one make sure they provide you with free spelling lessons as well

  5. You could try for a resident caretaker or gardening assistant on a country estate-The Lady magazine has this type of vacancy listed weekly-its available from wh smiths ,or good newsagents.

  6. Only places like butlins or haven put their staff up... so you will have to become a red coat!

  7. hi check this link its useful



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