
Working in Quebec?

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Is it possible to find employment when you are not fluent in French (yet) in Quebec in the estimating/drafting field? (perferably in aluminum windows, doors, curtain wall etc)If so where would be the most likely area?




  1. yes but it will be harder ,your best bet is to learn the language ,good luck with your career

  2. if you are in Quebec City it is going to be hard

    but if you are in Montreal it will be a lot easier

    because 50% of the people speak english and french

    and a lot of them in the west of montreal don't even speak


  3. Honestly you really dont need french to live and work here in montreal.I think somebody said that 50% of us speak english but its more like 85-90% that speak it.Most everyone understands english and those that don't are probably lying  lol.When I moved to montreal I couldnt speak a l**k of french but its very easy to pick up.Maintenant je suis presque 100% bilingue .I do have to say one thing though.I would like you to really think hard about coming here.Most of the people are very nice but then you get the ones that will treat you like a piece of c**p because you dont speak their language.I see it on a daily basis,They dont know how to drive.If you check the stats the province of Quebec has the highest # of fatal accidents that are caused by human error.I take city transport now.The city of montreal is an amazing city.Unfortunately for us squareheads(english) are constantly bombarded by french seperatists trying to force their language upon us or to try to force us back to our own province.I can honestly tell you from exp.though you're better off staying in Ontario.Take home salary is higher,there is no french- english c**p,and as long as youre not in the core of T.O. the people are amazingly friendly and would give you the shirt off their backs.and last but not least people know how to drive in Ontario.
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