
Working in a club at 16?

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Please only answer this question if you have knowledge of private men's clubs. How old can you be to work in one of these private clubs? I know someone who owns one and he employs a 16 year old girl to work behind the bar. He says it's legal as long as you're family just "helping out" or for work experience. Is this true? Are there any sites out there to verify this?

Thanks In Advance




  1. Waitressing IS legal for 16 year olds. DANCING is not. It also probably depends on where you live.

    As long as the mayor isn't your parent, ask him or her.

  2. Your freind is breaking the law. OOOHHHHH!!! But seriously, it is totally against the law in all 50 states. Most states will let you serve alcohol at 18, but you have to take classes and get a card. Some states are 21 only to serve alcohol. But- It is always a law that absolutly NO MINORS are allowed in strip clubs. You must be 18 to even walk through the door, no matter who you are.

  3. You can work with food at 16, alcohol and servingbehind a licensed bar you haveto be over 18 as you do for exotic dancing etc.

  4. If you mean stripping, you have to be at least 18. Even then I wouldn't recommend doing it.

  5. Sounds totally illegal to me, think you should speak to an agency or a job centre first but as I understand it you must be eighteen but you might have to get your parents consent to work in one at sixteen but i would look into it first. I have done some work in clubs like that over the years in my job and most are seedy joints that i wouldn't go in if I had the choice and even they only have employees over the age of twenty one so I would go the proper route and find out as much info from people that know the law.

  6. As far as I know, it is illegal to serve beers, wines and spirits if you are under the age of eighteen. In my experience, the only job you could do in a bar when you are under age is collect and wash glasses. However, if this person is telling you that they are not recieving any payment for the work, it's a slightly different issue. You would need to prove that they are in employment before you pick an argument. I can recommend that you check any organisation that issues National Licensing Certificates (try a search engine on the web), they should be able to clear things up a little for you.

  7. if you are family of the licensee holder 16 is allowed - otherwise 18 - i have a licensee cert myself

  8. to work behind the bar handling/serving drinks) you have to be 21

    to waitress you have to 18 if it's topless bar of strip club. i don't know where you are but these are the U.S. laws. I have friends who work in a topless bar. if the owner is caught with a 16 year old waitress, it's not that big a deal. but if their caught behind they bar- major fines and could lose their liquor license.

  9. um no i think  your dam young to be working at a mens club do your mom know about this sad shame

  10. well if its a pub the law says 18 to poor beer and 16 to waitress i would want my daughter in one of those places at any age working! full of dirty old men!

  11. You can`t sell alcohol if ur under 18. Iused to work in a supermarket , and its the law there. I`ve also been in a shop and when i`ve wanted alcohol if the person serving has been under 18 they have had to call for supervisor to put it through.

    So can`t be legal can it.

  12. not old enough

  13. to serve alchohol you must be 18  not 16 you can serve meals my daughter worked in brewers fayre at 16 but could not under any circumstances serve booze to the public and that law applies to clubs as well family or not there is no in-between so no she cant work the bar seving booze   she can waitress and serve food but that is all  and i am amember of a working mens club   and have worked in both club and pub over the years

  14. She is not legally old enough to sell alcohol, even if she is related to the people who run or own the bar.  this is tosally illegal and needs reporting!

    However, she could glass collect!  I don't think it is healthy for a girl of this age to be working in this type of club.

  15. id imagine you should be 18 but im not to sure

  16. In England & Wales the law says you have to be 18 to serve alcohol.

    It is true that family members of the licensee can serve when younger, as long as it is unpaid work.

    Edit: by 'unpaid work' I mean the occasional bit of helping out, not regular shifts.

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