
Working in a pub, bar work/waiting advice?

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Hi, I've recently just got a job at a pub and its my first job ever.

I was just wondering if anyone has any advice for me because I really want to do well.

Its one of those pubs that serves food and has a bar so I'd be serving behind the bar or waitressing.

Thank you for any advice! xx




  1. Be careful about spending the money because you will be taking home money everyday which makes it harder to save especially when you only make a little and think it will never add up but it does.  make sure you are personally with your customers. Be on time for work!  Treat your coworkers with respect even if they don't show you respect. Be professional according to the atmosphere. Feel out the place and see how much others are relaxed and act accordingly.

  2. Don't sell to kids, Don't sell to drunks.  Save your tip money for rent.  Don't get drunk on the job because then the cash will come up short and take it out of your tips.

  3. a few quick tips. first off, ALWAYS smile! even if you are not in the best of moods, you would be surprised how much of a difference it makes to your customers. second, if you are super busy, acknowledge your waiting customer and let them know you will be with them as soon as you can. again, this makes a world of a difference. lastly, always thank your bar customers when they leave, no matter how large or small the tip. and have fun... if you cease the opportunity, you can meet a lot of great locals that will become dedicated if they like you!!

  4. - Learn the menu - food & drinks. Then when customers ask you a  questions, you'll know the answer already - how much a piece of meat weighs, how its cooked, whats its served with, whether its organic or not etc

    - Ask questions - kitchen, bar, your manager

    - Learn how to do alot of things ie serve food, where to get the garnishes in the kitchen, how to start the glass washer, how to make drinks - if you can do it yourself you'll save alot of time rather than waiting for other people to do it for you

    - Smile and be friendly, even if you really dont feel like it!

    - Take on board everything you're taught - it'll be useful in the future

    - Talk to the customers - you never know what someone does and how it may help you in the future - ie a financal banker when you need a mortgage, a garderner when you want to buy a potplant etc

    - Be professional

    - Enjoy it!

    Good luck & have fun  

  5. Have a positive attitude, always!

    Treat your customers how you'd like to be treated, and make friends.  The more rapport you develop with people, the higher they usually tip. (How can you stiff someone when you like em?)

    Always serve the ladies first.

    When you see people walk in, say hi or acknowledge their presence when you see them.  If you can't get to someone right away, tell them 'I'll be right with you" and if possible, put a beverage napkin in front of them to let them know you're on your way. (To guests, the napkin is like a ticket that says 'You're next'.)

    If it's your first job, the service industry can be tricky, and is filled with plenty of drama in house.  No matter how weeded you get with tables or the bar, it's very important to keep a professional attitude in front of your guests.  Try not to get flustered, nervous, angry, or rude when on the floor, EVER.  If it's that bad to conjure up these attitudes, you won't make any more money than you would if you keep a cool head.  Slow down, compose yourself, and take care of the most important thing you need to next.

    Here's a good idea of what next should be, but this doesn't cover the half of it, I've got a few for ya, 1 being most important.

    1) Take care of anything you absolutely need to do your job, if you're out of ice for example, or see that you're running out.  Have someone get some for you or make a quick trip.

    2) People who have been waiting for more than 1 minute, get them first.

    3) Food in the window, pick it up ASAP, no one likes a crusty glaze over their soup.

    4) Pick up your drinks at the bar, or make them for waiting guests.

    5) Antsy customers who need more napkins or a fork or ketchup, anything that requires your attention, like getting the check so they can make it to their movie.

    6) Bussing your tables if you don't have a busser, or cleaning your bar of any empty glasses, napkins, plates.  You can't make money if there's nowhere for people to sit, and it looks really bad.

    7) Stuff you need in the bar or at your workstation that may be low, or need refilled soon.  Maybe rolled silverware, napkins, ketchup...

    8) Anything that is in your 'line of sight', if you can see it, the guests can too.  That napkin on the floor, the giant pile of french fries and crumbs where the high chair just was, any floor spills, dirty tables.

    Take care of these things, and clean as soon as possible, and your bosses will think you're an old pro.

    Good luck on the new job!  

    Above all, try to have fun.  The more fun you make it, the better the work AND money is.

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