
Working in the army: is it just fighting?

by Guest44740  |  earlier

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Does working in the army involve just attacking/fighting/combat etc or can it involve working with underdeveloped countries, aids etc?




  1. No, I'm a mechanic in the army. There are over 200 different types of jobs in the army.

  2. anything is better than the Marine Corps. yes the army has other opportunities besides combat arms

  3. Work in any of the armed forces is not just combat.  For every combat troop there needs to be six to nine support troops to keep him in the field.

    In your R&R periods from combat you can perform all kinds of humanitarian projects (and this is encouraged by the military).

    You should talk with an Army recruit to find out all the various vocatinal fields available in today's Army of One.

    Good luck.

  4. only a very small percentage of soldiers are actual combat troops.  I spent 20 years and about 3 "wars" in the Army and never was a combat soldier or in a combat situation.  Not much to be found in working with underdeveloped countries.  I was in a signal company, missiles, radars and computers, and educational evaluation.  There are 200 different jobs in the Army and most never get close to combat.  

  5. If wanting to serve u country is in your blood, welcome to the United States Army. The best branch from the rest. Where real man are forged. Become a engineer, radio controller, dental assistant, xray tech, the army offers a wider range of jobs transferable to civilian markets.

    Have fun, make lots of friends for life, get to know people from all walks of life, Germany, Korea, etc...Ft. Lewis, Ft. Bliss wont regret it.

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