
Working into becoming vegetarian...?Help?!?

by Guest44669  |  earlier

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I read an article at school about how animals are abused and I thought it was disgusting. I am trying to become vegetarian, but I dont want to do it all at once. I think if I do it slowly I will have a better chance of doing it for life and not just for a month. Any tips? People who are in the same situation?




  1. had the same problem i was vegitarian for a summer but my parents made me eat meat, and that was when i was 13, now i am 16 and i recently decited to become vegan.  my parents still disaggree but if your parents want facts on how any animal products you decide you don't want some great sites are PETA's site or there you should find the proof to tell them that eating meat has or milk and eggs has no health benifts whatsoever.

  2. Try bocka burgers (they are tasty and vegitarian!) My friend is a vegitarian I am not and I loved em'

    U can find them anywere!!!

  3. It's a lot harder in the very beginning.

    At first you could try cutting out certain types of meat.

  4. I think it's great that your going vegetarian. Some people (like me) cut out meat completely at once, while others cut out meat slowly. It comes down to whatever works for you.

    If you cut out meat slowly, then I suggest you cut out one animal every so often. Depending on how you go, you could cut out one type of meat every week, or every month.

    Even though chickens are the most abused animals, most people cut out red meats first, then chicken, then fish (and sometimes then eggs and dairy).

    I suggest you buy some mock meats to help your transition go as smoothly as possible. You can find a large variety of mock meats in the freezer section of supermarkets and at vegetarian/health food stores.

    Good luck =]

  5. Congrats,

    first eliminate red meat, then pork, chicken, then fish. You can choose to eliminate eggs then dairy too if you wish. Some tips which may help you:

    - Talk to your folks before you do it.

    - Buy or borrow some good veggie cook books. Learn to cook and improvise with what you've got.

    - Learn to cook for your self and experiment with recipes and new ingredients

    - Make sure you eat a variety of fruit, veg, nuts, beans, legumes and get all your essential nutrients. If you're concerned see a nutritionist.

    - Stay in contact with other veggers n vegans for moral support.

    - Stay informed about issues and news. Subscribe to an online news letter like vegan outreach or chat with other veggers on yahoo.

    - Get active in the vegan or animal welfare community, it will help keep you motivated to stick with it

    - Stock up on healthy snacks, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, mushrooms, etc.

    - Be prepared to read labels and check menues before you go out or order. Having a little snack before you go out helps too.

    - Also find some great non dairy and egg substitutes. Soy milk, rice milk or sweet williams vegan chocolate.

    Good luck :)

  6. Try Indian 'gujarati' food..the best and broadest vegatarian cuisine ever. You will be converted easily.

    Good luck!

  7. I Think you are right to go veggie nice and slowly.

    Try and

    Both offer free go veggie packs, which include recipes and so on. Viva also have stuff like interviews with veggie celebrities.

    If you are in America, search their sites because I think both have an American site too. Viva certainly does anyway.

    And in my opinion, going veggie is the best thing anyone can do to help animals and the environment, so well done!

    If you want help becoming vegan, email me:)

    And neither of these sites will EVER spam you or anything, so they are perfectly safe.

    Good luck!

    Bieng veggie is easy once you get used too it.

  8. well... dont take the abuse part so seriously. It's best not to think about it or you'll have a bad time. But mixing small amounts of meat into a salad can help lower it down over time to just a salad. but its not a healthy way to live wen u dont eat SOME meat.

  9. Yeah, I'm in the same situation.  It's really hard if you don't pre-plan your meals.  Especially if everyone around you is a meat eater because that is all you will be left with to eat.  Meat.  Umm, a lot of people I have met stopped eating red meat at first.  Then eventually stopped with chicken eating only fish.  Soon fish was cut out.  I think the biggest challenge for me is knowing what to make.  I can only eat so many salads and steamed vegetables.  You never realize how challenging being a vegetarian is until you try!  Good luck girl!

  10. I see your feelings on animal rights. However it is hard to completely cut off meat comsumption. To adress your problem slowly lessen how much meat you eat. Also Morningstar products are GREAT for wannabe vegetarians or meatlovers alike. Their products range from chicken nuggets, chicken patties, bean burgers, veggie burgers, and even riblets. All of these are meatless. Also Boca products are great as well. Also you could start eating more fruits, veggies, and whole grains. I hope that you will reach your goal and I wish you luck ! :)

  11. At first just try cutting down meat or just stop eating it all together and just eat fafke meats like morning star or boca burgers. But if you want to become a strict vegetarian at first like me and how I did then don't eat poptarts or anything with gelatin in it. Just read all the labels n stuff :].

  12. I did it slowly, but I never really liked meat in the first place anyway. Besides you really can't just dwell on the animal abuse all the time because it will take over your life and you'll have nightmares and drive youreself insane! Trust me. Just eat less and less meat until you aren't eating it at all. Take a walk down the fruit isle at the grocery store and smell the peaches, melons and other fresh fruit. Smells better than the meat isle or driving by a farm!! That's what inspires me, I think to myself as I drive by a feedlot, "why would I ever want to eat anything that smells like that." It keeps me vegetarian that way. Even if you do like meat, just cut back! If everyone just cut back on their meat intake, there'd be a lot less animals slaughterd for us, and by that, a lot less tortured ones. Vegetarianism is actually very easy if you put your mind to it, and it's not expensive like meat eaters would like you to think. Good luck!

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