
Working do you manage your time in the morning?

by Guest56799  |  earlier

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I am consistently late for work and I can't seem to manage my mornings very well!!! Between getting he and I fed/dressed/cleaned up, I'm a mess! He always seems to p**p right before we leave too....maybe he just wants a few extra minutes with me?!?! LOL. Any tips?




  1. Well, my MIL babysits at home so i have it easier.

    I get up at 6am, pump, wash the pump, get the bottles ready in the fridge & wash the dishes, if they are dirty, house has to look good for MIL, lol.

    Then i go back to bed with baby & if he's awake i feed him,  if not i sleep a little until hubby gets home from the gym (7am) then he takes a shower & after him i take mine. Then i put my make up on, get my clothes ready & feed again baby (if he's not awake, i wake him, well, i just turn him to my side & put my boob on his mouth, he grabs it like a champ even when he's half asleep) for 10min, theni put my clothes on & by 9am i'm all ready to go, or almost ready, heehee

    God Bless!

  2. When I worked, I would get up and get ready and get Emma up in her pj's and go.  She did not even have a bottle until she got to the sitter's.  My hubby and I left at the same time also, so if she did get up we both switched off.

  3. I don't know how old your son is.  But I can remember with my last baby.  She was already on a good schedule by the time I went back to work. So I would get myself up and dressed before she woke up.  I would feed her and then get my other child up. You just need to get up early.  

    Now, my kids are 2 and 7.  So I allow myself a full hour to get myself up and eat breakfast.  I get the kids up and dressed.  Then I allow 25-30 minutes to eat breakfast and watch cartoons before we leave.

    I'm not a morning person, and I manage to get up a bit earlier to get everything in order.  My husband is off of work in the winter, so I get a full extra hour to sleep in!  I can't wait for winter!

  4. I certainly think you should get to bed earlier and then wake up a tad earlier.

    Maybe you can spend a little more time with the baby (:

  5.   Well my situation is a little different than your's.  I have a 7 and 9 yr old to get off to school.  Things I do to make my life easier.  Showers and clothing set out the night before.  Pack lunches(except for sandwiches) the night before.  Be sure you have at least 20 minutes between the time you feed him breakfast and the time you have to leave.  Good luck to you.

  6. I work Tuesdays-Fridays and some Saturdays. The days I work I get up early and get ready than I get my daughter who is almost two up and get her dressed and fed.

    Try getting up early and getting ready and eat and whatever else you need to do than get your son up and get him ready.

    Good luck hope I helped

  7. My wife is a working mom.  I stay home with the kids during the day and work nights and some weekends.  But I take on the duties for her in the morning and while she's at work.  I make breakfast in the morning so she can sit down with the kids before she goes to work in the morning.  Just manage it one thing at a time.  Have the kids lay out clothes the night before and have lunches made the night before.  Use paper plates in the morning for easy clean up.  As for the baby taking a dump right before heading out....all I can say is adjust.  Good luck.

  8. I always got up at least an hour before I had to wake up the kids. That gave me time to have a relaxing cup of coffee and get myself ready. I also packed lunches and day bags the night before. Somehow taking the time to do this the night before took far less time than when you are rushing out the door.  

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