
Working mums?

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How old was your child when you went back to work.... and did your go back to part time or full time work?

Also, if money was no object.... how long would you have stayed off work?




  1. hmm well i didnt start working till i had my second i was back in uni and started a new job when she was 3 weeks old. they both were in nursery from then on 3 days a week. if money was no object then i would probably wouldnt change my job as i enjoy it i only work 3 days a week and it gives me the rest i need from household chores and a screaming toddler and a teething baby. (not that i would change them doin that for n e thing in the world but sometimes it gets too much nice to have a time out). aside from that i feel my children in nursery benefits them, they get to socialise and learn different things more than when they would with me or my husband. i love the time i have with my kids but i also enjoy havin that me time aat work where i get a break and get to socialise and talk to friends.

  2. I went back to work when my son was 2 months old. But only one day a week. It was winter & my depression was bad. So it helped to get out and be social. Than part time 3 days per week when he was 3 months. If money was not a issue I would not go back to work at all. I would start my own business.

  3. I stayed from work for 6mnths after my daughter was born mostly because my daughter is adopted and I wanted to bond with her. since she was a young she really didn't know what was going on when she went to day care because but she did cry a little and so did I  LOL but after a few days it was fine she got comfortable with her teachers and comfortable with me living her. now she's 3 and she loves daycare she loves her teachers and she learns alot

  4. I went back part time when my son was 9 months. I would probably have never went back, but i'm glad I have now, I need some adult time every week and my son loves his time with his gran ever week - she spoils him!

  5. I went back to work when my youngest was 6mo old and my oldest was 18mo. They are a year a part mind you. I went back to work part time and school full time.

    If money wasn't an object. I would stay home with them until they go to school. Then when they go to school find a part time job that would work with their school schedule so I could be home with them when they were done with school.

  6. I was in the military when I had my first child.  Went back to work after 6 weeks.  I went back to work at 6 weeks with the second child also.  At the time, I would of loved to stay home but now, I'm glad I didn't.  My family is better off now.

  7. Hi. My baby is 4 months old. I have to go back to work at the beginning of next month, my husband had 2 weeks off as holiday when our son was born but has been working lots of overtime which means he doesn't get too spend as much time as he would like to with our son. The maternity pay is not enough for me to stay at home for even the nine months entitlement, even with my husband working extra we are finding it difficult to pay the mortgage and bills. I am only going back part time and our son will be looked after by his grandma so i dont feel as bad but this is my only option and the best for the future of my little man. If money was no object i would love to be able to stay at home until he was 2 and a half, i would then send him to nursery school 3 mornings a week to interact with other children and learn social skills (he is an only child) i would then work part time while he was there :) (wishful thinking).

  8. i went back to work when my 3 were 5mths old. i reduced my hours to 30 a wk. when i had my eldest, i worked 1 - 5pm. with my youngest i now work 9-3 so i can pick the eldest two up from school. i am now pregnant again and have decided that i am going to have a few years out this time. i am going to retrain as a teacher so by the time this one is ready to start school i will be qualified and ready to look for a job and i will be home with the 4 of them during school holidays.

  9. I went back part time when my son was five weeks old. I am still part time (he is 6 months now) but going to full time shortly. If money was no object I would choose to still work for a day or two but stay home most of the time. Sometimes I just need to have adult conversations - it keeps me sane.

  10. you should go back to work as soon as you feel well enough and you no youre baby is safe cause then youre baby gets used to you not being there from an early age and he or she is happy with the carer you have chosen and youre mind is at rest cause you no baby is happy you can then concentrate on the job in hand.if money was no object then i wouldnt go back to work.i would hire a nanny so i could have lots of me time.remenber as long as you are happy youre baby is too.

  11. I'd say as long a maternity leave that you could take...about 2 months or so.

  12. I went back part time a year after I had my son and about 6 months after became full time. If I could have without money being an object, I think I would have gotten a part time on the hours that my spouse is off. I personally have a hard time trusting other people even family with my son. Lord knows what could happen with out you around.

  13. I went back when both of my children were 6 months old.

    I had no choice but to go back full time - (money)  :((

    If money was no object, I would have liked to stay home until they went to school - 3years.  I would go back part-time then.

  14. i am guessing that you have a Young child, i av a 1 year old and am hoping to get a part time job soon. would definitely still want to work even if money wasn't an object! children need 2 b socialised at a young age, so they are equipped with social skills wen they start nursery/school

  15. I was 18 when I had my son and went back to work part time when he was 6 months old.  With my daughter I went back, agin part time when she was 9 months old.  My husband works nights and sleeps days so its always been tricky.  I often only see my husband for and hour a day and we are often all together as a family for less than one day per week.

    Paying for that 5 star holiday for two weeks each year does not make up for the guilt of feeling that you are not giving your children the best start in life.  I was lucky that when work my children are with my husband or my mother so I know they are happy.  

    Having said that, I probably would have gone insane if I had stayed at home for a whole year.  Each to their own - do what makes you happy and it will make your children happy.

    Children want your presence, not your presents.  Just be happy, (and pay the bills).  Good luck/

  16. My kids are 16 and 14 now and I have never worked while they were growing up.  Partly because of some medical problems I have (no I'm not on benefit either) and partly because I'm fortunate enough that my husband has a job that is good enough to make it financially viable for me to remain at home.

    It does get very boring adn can be soul destroying at times but my kids are both great, very bright (16 yr old is predicted A*'s in GCSE's and going on to further education).  Niether of them has ever been in any trouble which is rare in teens these days.  I think the fact that I am always here has made a huge difference and been of great benefit to them both.

    Stay at home Mum's should be encouraged not penalised and made to feel like layabouts.  We do a tough but very essential job ;-)
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