
Working on my four year old's trot/canter?

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Basically the people who owned him had two speeds. "Walk" and "RANASFASTASYOUCAN". Right now we've worked with my quarter horse extensivly on the trot (it's gorgeously smooth) and not a lot yet on the canter. His trot is fine and he picks it up okay but I have trouble getting him to keep it up, he slides down into a walk unless there is CONSTANT small kicks. Even with leg pressure he'll slow down. (He's very good at ignorning the more subtle aids.) My main problem though is that when asked for the canter he just goes into an extended trot, and when asked stronger, flat out runs. How can I get him to pick up the canter?? Thank you!




  1. try to do an exteneded Trot and then as you go in a corner turn his head a little to the outside and kick hard with your outside leg.  This will make it easier to pick up the canter becasue its in a bend.  If he pickes it up then make him keep it if he starts to slow down give him pressure untill he gets to the speed you want.  If he starts to take off then do half-haults until he slows down.  

    Another thing to do is get a crop with a big head  so its not small as that hurts the horse.  Ask for the canter with a nice squeeze and a Kissing sound.  Again ask in a vorner as thats the easiest place to learn.  If he doesn't pick it up Give him a little tap on the hip and get after him with your voice not necessary with your crop of legs.

    Make sure that when he's cantering if he's doing good to praise him with your voice and to be quick to get after him if he decides to do something wrong.  I hope that this helps a little thats the trick that i use all the time when im Training My horses!

  2. Ask for canter when he is in a slightly forward trot. If he goes into extended trot, keep kicking until you get the canter, but make your aids very clear! (outside leg far back, slightly bent to the inside, ouside reign back slightly). When he canters praise him, so he knows that's what you want. Do this 2 or 3 times to make it clear you want canter.

    After this ask for canter clearly from a forward but not extended trot. Kick with the inside leg and put the outside leg back. If he ignores give him a tap and if he goes into extended trot then bring him back to the halt straight away. Keep doing this and eventually he should go into canter. Praise him when he does so he knows this is good. Keep him balanced at all times because this is probably why he doesn't go into canter because he is unbalanced because he's young.

  3. maybe instead of constant small kicks you should give him a big boot every now and then wen u feel him starting to slow.

    with the cantering, if you lunge him at a trot (nice and steady) then crack ur whip and even a voice command(i say get up) and make him canter as soon as you crack it so he doesntt have time to quicken his trot might help if u practise so that he canters with voice commands. if you have a round yard it would be good to practise it in there(riding) too as he cant go anywhere and cant go too fast and you can concentrate on cantering and not have worry about steering much.

    small circles would be best when he goes into a too fast canter as they give u more control. its better to circle instead of pulling him bak straight away because those signals of go and stop might be confusing him.

    you might have to change your bit to one that is a little bit harsher if u find that he pulls a lot when you are trying to slow him down.

    good luck hope i could help

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