
Working out Chest and Shoulders?

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I'm a 19 year old male weighing 77kgs and 184cm tall. I've been going to the gym everyday for the past 3 months. I divide my workouts in 2 days. In 1 day i do chest back biceps and forearms and on the other day i do shoulders triceps legs and forearms and abs. I have started seeing results in this last month. I just have 3 things i want to improve myself on.

The 1st question is how do you get the chest line? For chest i do flat bench press and flies and incline bench press and flies. Recently i've been using larger weights with 3 sets, 8 -12 reps each. Is there any exercise i need to do to get the chest line?

My 2nd question is also about my chest. My nipples r usually droopy. Not a lot, but they look bad when i wear a tight shirt. Is there anyway to get rid of them? I do cardio everyday before i start my workouts so i don't think it is excessive fat

My 3rd and last question is about the shoulders. for shoulders i raise dumbbells on my sides with bent elbows, in front of me and above my head (sorry i don't know what their called). What exercises should i do to get the shoulder line. The V shaped line separating the shoulders from the biceps / triceps.

Thanks for any help i get.

Oh ya, i don't take any supplements and i don't want to take any supplements anytime during my workout months/years. I also have a good diet. i eat lots of proteins which replace supplements.

Please help!




  1. 1. If your talking bout the curve at the bottom of your pectorals then your best bet is to do decline bench press and flies, if you havent got a decline bench put those step-up stools you do for fitness, under the legs of the bench then that way itll lift the bench up and you can do decline excercises.

    2.Im not sure about this cos i havent tried it but i read it in a fitness magazine, work on your shoulders because apparently that lifts up the skin on your chest making the skin tighter around your chest.

    3. By the V im guessing you mean Lats - Lattisimus Dorsi, or Traps - Tapezius. Type in Lats/Traps (which ever one your looking for) workouts on the net and it should come up with alot, i would recommend one which worked for me but i dont know the name and its hard to describe. But ill try anyways. You sit on a bench with the edge of your asse on the edge of the bench so it looks as if your sitting on nothing. Hold dumbells in your arms and put them down between your legs (make sure your legs and closed together. Then lift up the weights and the action should look like your doing a dumb bell flye but if you do it right you should feel a burn on your back muscles.

    The workout that i recommended works out both the Traps and Lats.

    And thats right what Adam said change your workout, i remember i was doing dumbbell curls week in week out and all it took was about 3 weeks of doing this over and over again and my bicep mustve been sleeping cos it didnt get bigger at all. Even after adding more weight.

  2. Go to the gym and look at the diagrams.

    No use looking around on the internet and doing this and that. Just workout 4 days a week for 2 hours, works for me!

  3. what your doing sounds great, just keep it up.

    One thing you might want to do is to change your workout every 6 weeks so your body doesnt get used to it.

    I do a 5 day routine:

    day 1: chest only -  i kill it (PS: decline bench and flys will help with chest line)

    day 2: back - again i kill my back with about 5 different exercises.

    day 3: legs - kill them

    day 4: shoulders (shoulder press, front arm raises, side arm raises and shoulder shrugs)

    day 5: arms (biceps, triceps and forearms

    day 6: take a break and start with day 1 again.

    This type of workout gives you a longer period for each muscle group to repair the muscle fiber. Specifically shoulders and chest are spaced 3 days apart and back and biceps are spaced 3 days apart and likewise chest and triceps because these are secondary muscle groups that are worked out.This also allows you to have shorter workouts because you only focus on one group and just kill it in about 30 minutes, then 30 minutes cardio.

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