
Working out how much flooring I need...?

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Ok Im really bad at math so please dont leave answers telling me im dumb etc because I dont really care :)

Basically the laminate flooring im buying comes in packs of 2.13 m2. Ive measured up my living room and its 620cm x 392cm (6.2m x 3.9m). I might just be really, really dumb but I cant figure out how to work out how many packets I need.

If you could tell me how many packets and how to work it out myself (I'm also doing the rest of the house but haven't measured it up yet) I would be very grateful :)





  1. Need 12, maybe you should get 13 just in case some pieces crack or chip during installation.

    Do this operation: multiply the length of your room by the width, and then divide it into the pack's meters. Get always extra pieces, because some can damage.

  2. Use a calculator to multiply the length times the width of each room.  This gives you the Area of the room.  Divide the Area by 2.13 to get the approximate number of packs of flooring.  Because there is a lot of waste in installing laminate, however, you must add 10%.

    So after you have calculated the number of boxes of laminate, multiply that number by 1.1, and round the result up to a whole number.  That is the number of boxes you will have to buy.

    For example. 6.2 x 3.9 = 24.18

    24.18 div by 2.13 = 11.35

    11.35 x 1.1 = 12.487

    12.487 rounded up to the next whole number = 13

    You need to buy 13 boxes.

    When you get to measuring some of the other rooms there will be little nooks and jogs, etc.   Just treat each one as its own littlle rectangle and calculate its Area by multplying length times width.  Then add all the Areas together before you divide by 2.13

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