
Workmans comp question..disputed impairment raiting...?

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I will start off by telling you that we are from Texas. I am just curious of some of your own experiences with this or those who are familiar with the process maybe you can shed some light. My husband was injured at work. He lost his main 2 fingers on his left hand. His thumb is completely numb due to nerve damage. He lost both knuckles and an inch of bone down into his hand. Extensive nerve damage. He got impairment raiting or 31. The insurance co sent him to a diff doctor because they said that one wasn't on their list. That dr gave him the ins co is disputing it. They had the reports for 3 weeks and send a form for us to fill out to relase a lump sum payment on Feb. 11. I called today and they have desided last minute to dispute. Said they are scheduling a designated dr. to come in and do final raiting (which we could dispute) long is this process with designated this a bad they tend to lower impairment by a lot...any info will help!!




  1. By not knowing the whole situation, it is hard to give any advice.

    Go talk to an attorney.   If the company is disputing, it's already getting to a point where you are going to need a good attorney to help you.  Better do it soon.

    Good luck to you and my sympathy goes out to you and your family.

  2. There are many states that allow the insurance company to dispute PPD value.  In this case your adjuster has decided to do this.

    It's obvious that 31% to 37% can mean alot of money in between, so I would suggest that you contact your adjuster and ask for a possible settlement in your husband PPD award.  Both of you come up with something close, so I would suggest you offer perhaps 34% and see what they come up with, if they accept it I would think that both parties would agree to this.   If you offer 34% tell them that you will wave your right to appeal the PPD award, this way you save some valuable time and get the money quicker than going through the loops of work comp.

    Good luck

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