
Workout Machines?

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How come I do not see machines in gyms that produce electricity. You can get paid to workout, it will help the obesity problem and help out with electricity.




  1. Great should reall look into that..I would work out more if I got paid I KNOW THAT! :)

  2. It would help with electricity but the amount of electricity you can produce with a machine like that is very small. Businesses would not see it as worth while really. Just to give you an idea. If you were on a bike machine plugged up to a dynamo thats plugged to a tv, you wouldnt be able to power the tv as you workout. You would have to charge a battery. It is possible but i think that gym just dont see the point. I would use one however just because it would be interesting collecting electricity, even if it is only a small amount.

  3. I heard of a couple, recently, who refused to let their kids watch TV unless they were generating the power for it on a bicycle just like you describe...HAHAHA!

    See, the kids could "underexercise" their brains but only if they "over-exercised" their butts.

    You can take it from there.


  4. That's a great idea!

  5. WOW  COOL IDEA!!!

  6. good idea, i know on living with idea, he bikes and then has enough power to cook his toast, especially in the city, those massive gyms with all the runners and spinners, they could at least power their gym, cut down on overhead and save on membership dues

  7. The problem would be with storing the electricity, and converting it to usable voltage/wattage/whatever.  It's a great idea, if the motion can be properly harnessed and converted.

  8. That would be cool.  As you see from the readouts, you're making a couple hundred watts.  It would be easy, to make an inverter that would let you put that energy back on the grid, at least for local use within the health club.
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