
*Workout Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday?*?

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Is it good to work my abs every 2nd day with the extra Sunday/Monday period. I'm doing several ab exercises on these days including crunches, bicycle crunches, reverse crunches and planks. Is this good or should i do this everyday?

I'm doing up to 400 crunches altogether.




  1. Lol. Why work abs 4 days a week?

  2. No, your schedule sounds great. You have you days rest in between and you're working out regularly. And no you shouldnt do this everyday. What you have is fine.

    I do suggest that you don't strain yourself on Sunday as much as the other days. Take that day to just take a run or something.

    Otherwise, dont forget to eat healthy and drink plenty of water!

    Best of Luck.

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