
Workout Plan and Exercises?

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Day 1 - Chest, Abs, Cardio

Day 2 - Shoulders, Forearms, Abs, Cardio

Day 3 - Upper and Lower Back, Lats, Traps, Abs, Cardio

Day 4 - Biceps, Triceps, Abs, Cardio

Day 5 - Quads, Calves, Hamstrings, Abs, Cardio

Im Planning to start this workout plan, I am ready to start dealing with weights because i have been working out for a while

is there anything wrong with the combinations of workouts I have, and are there any other major muscles I am missing,

my main question is, what kind of foods should I be eating, what should my diet look like, and what kind of protein shake is good, I am trying to gain body mass




  1. Your program looks pretty much bang-on to me, however, I would strongly recommend putting a day of rest in after Day 2.  the last 3 days are fine to do 'in-a-row', because the last day is lower body orientated, giving the upper body a rest.  

    You're hitting all major muscles in that program, and i'm not sure what exercises you are doing, but here's what I recommend you do.

    Chest - Bench presses(incline and flat/dumbell or barbells), Dumbell Flyes

    Back - Lat Pulldowns or Chins, Rows (pully or bent-over barbell style), shrugs, hyperextensions( for lower back, if you really want to)

    Shoulders - Shoulder Presses(dumbells or barbell, infront of neck), side raises, bent over raises

    Biceps - Curls of any kind, incline curls, preacher curls

    Triceps - Pushdowns, dips, french curls

    Forearms - Wrist curls, reverse barbell curls.

    Legs - Leg Curls/Extensions, Squats, calf raises(standing and seated)

    Abs - crunches(assorted variations)

    As for foods, I would focus on protein-rich foods, such as chicken, fish, lean red meat, tuna, egg whites, nuts, low-fat milk, etc...     Carbs are in just about everything you eat, so don't worry about focussing on them too much, it's the protein you need to repair and rebuild your muscles.   To put on muscle fast, you want to do something like 50/40/10 carb/protein/fat intake.

    When it comes to shakes, bulking up ones are high in calories, sugars, and protein, so just about any one of them is gonna give you what you need each day, with about 2 serves.   Careful of the expensive ones, they are not necessarily better, just because they cost more...  they're just advertised more in Flex, Musclemag etc..  

    Well, thats about all you'll need, but if you want more advice, hit me up in an email, i'll help ya out :)

    Here's what I look like, so you know I'm a reputable source.  lol

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