
Workout before breakfast....?

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is it really better to workout before breakfast? i have heard that you burn fat rather than the food you ate. but if i eat first i will have more energy to workout better. (i am talking mostly cardio if that makes a difference.,)




  1. Burn fat instead of the food you eat?

    If that was true, then the food you eat after "burning the fat" would just turn into fat itself.

    Always eat. Never starve yourself. Always workout. It doesn't matter when you do either of those, as long as you do them.

    Light weight training is better than cardio. Cardio will burn your fat and burn your muscle. But if you do, say, 200 reps with just 5 pounds then that will burn only the fat and preserve the muscle.

  2. DONT DO THAT!!! think about this... lets say the last time you eat in a day is 7pm. that means from then til the time you get up.. lets say 7 am.. that you ahven't eaten! your body is starving for energy which makes your metabolism slow so when you do eat, you actually end up burning less. eating in the morning jump starts your metabolism and by working out you rev it up and throw it in drive.

  3. well even if you eat your body takes a couple hours to break down what you eat and take all the nutrients out, so you won't be burning that off if your exercising after breakfast.  Breakfast kick starts the  metabolism so you will be burning calories from exercising and calories from the digestive system breaking down the food.  I recommend eating something light, just something to wake up the metabolism like a piece of fruit and a yogurt, that always works for me :D

  4. I do 45 min of cardio every morning from 5:15am to 6am, for me eating breakfast AFTER my workout works best for me!  

  5. Yes you need to eat something to give you energy. There is the myth that you should workout before you eat breakfast, it works for some people but you should read for yourself

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