
Workout first and then eat or the other way around?

by Guest31848  |  earlier

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what is the ebst way to do it? i heard eat first then work out after to burn it




  1. you need to do both, its just what you eat at which time that is key.

    pr-workout you need energy. What i recommend is 1 or 2 oranges. The reason i recommend this is because not only are they delicious, and high in vitamins, but studies have shown that certain things in oranges improve blood flow, which is key during a work out. i eat 2 oranges 30 minutes before i leave to the gym.

    I think the post-workout meal is very important, you should be looking for protein and carbohydrates. there are supplements such as whey shakes which you can pick up for $20-$30 per 2 lb. bottle, and carb supplements that are actually 100% good carbs that cost around $10 per pack.

    the reason shakes are recommended is because they are not a "whole food" so they can be processed and used much quicker in your body, which is key after a work out.

  2. yeah i would eat first to burn it off.

    but you must eat, eat something first no matter what just make it healthy and then decide weather you want to eat first or after.

    i hoped it helped :D

  3. I would def. eat fisrt because not only will

    u burn off what u just ate, but it will also

    give u energy to exercise. If you dont eat but

    exercise a lot, it could cause u to faint or worse.

    Try to take care of ur body as much as possible.

  4. Do it like this.

    Go to the gym.Then when you go home.

    Drink some water then after like 35 minutes eat food.

    Drinking water makes you eat less food when you come out of the gym.

  5. Always best to eat first.  But don't eat too much or you won't be able to do much.   I know people who've gotten lightheaded and felt faint because they didn't eat.  I've worked out at the same health club for the past 16 years and even the trainers say you should eat first.

  6. Doesnt matter in terms of loosing/gaining weight. Think about it. If i eat a 200 calorie meal. Then excercise and burn 300. Then i got rid of 100 calories.

    If i burn off 300 and then eat 200. Well then you still end up with 100 burned.

    But it does make sence to eat a while before you eat, just to actually have the energy to exercise.

  7. you don't have to be on an empty stomach to work out but you shouldn't be too full because if your really full, you won't make the best of your work out because you'll be too full to exercise so just eat a bittle bit.. like a little snack before working out so it gives you energy.. like a fruit because working out when your hungry won't help you because you won't have any energy!

    hope this helps!

  8. Wow, funny you asked this.  I have the hardest time with this delima.  If I work out then eat my appitite is ravinous and I tend to overeat.

    If I try to eat first I really have a hard time working out, but an easier time taking a dump afterwards, and am just exhausted from all three.

    So I mostly exercise first and struggle to eat only small portions of healthy foods in three hour breaks thereafter: an apple, a salad, a crunchy cucumber, a amall bowl of cereal, water.  Ohhhh, time to go again........................

  9. yah, you got it right:D

  10. Eat an hour before you work out, then have a high protein snack after you workout

  11. A little bit of both. In order to get the most out of your work out, you need enough fuel to get your through it, but working up also speeds up your metabolism so your body processes food faster after you work out.

    My suggestion would be to have a small, healthy snack before hand (crackers and hummus or an orange/banana/whatever) that will give you enough energy to rock your work out, but then substantial food about an hour after you're finished.

  12. workout first then eat

  13. Well. if your just doing wieghts u can eat 1st. u but if you doing full body cardio  and wieghts like me.  if you eat first ya you'll burn it also u will also work up an appetite and be hungry after you eat. i  snack b4  and eat after. That way u can relax  and let your food digest and replinish your strength, other wise u will  end up with a headache or so hungry u can eat a house few hours later.

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  15. I eat first then work out because the food gives you energy to work out with...

  16. It depends on what time of the day your going to workout. I go to the gym before dinner like abot 2:00pm and then i workout 15 minutes after dinner. Whatever you do, the most important thing is to try to keep the same routine.

  17. try eating a lite snack like some fruits or a bowl of special k then let it digest then excersie and then eat a meal  

  18. Ya know I've tried both. When you eat before you work out you gotta wait a whiles for it to digest, but when you work out and then eat you're really hungry. Maybe do it somewhere in the middle?

  19. depends. . . if it's first thing in the morning, work out then eat. . . if it's later in the day; work out then eat.  

  20. It doesn't really matter. When you work out, it burns calories for about thirty minutes afterwards. So as long as you eat before or after, those calaries will be burned. Opposed to working out, then eating a few hours later. :)

  21. workout first, then eat

    because from working out you'll already be burning calories but it would be harder to start burning calories the other way around

  22. always eat after your workout.

  23. eat early before you work out not 10 minutes before, and then afterwards if u are still hungry

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